About the Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine

The Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine aims to achieve excellence in teaching and cutting-edge research through a culture of reflection, innovation and diversity of approaches.
More than 700 professors, postdocs, scientific, administrative and technical staff members conduct interdisciplinary teaching, research and support activities within a dynamic, favourable and multilingual environment.
Facts & Figures
Management Team
The management team of the faculty ensures the smooth running and growth of the faculty and acts as a link between the rectorate and the departments. Pascal Bouvry is working with Frédérique Perrein who manages the administration and Bradley Ladewig who oversees the teaching part. Together, they are working with passion and enthusiasm for the faculty.
Faculty Council Members
The Faculty Council is composed of representatives from the whole Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine.
Prof Stephan LEYER
FSTMFull professor in Mechanical engineering – Heat and mass transfer and thermodynamics
Assoc. Prof Volker MÜLLER
FSTMAssociate professor in Computer science, specialized in Computational Number Theory