Research Collaboration and engagement


A spin-off is a new company based on science, technical skills and assets (generally intellectual property – IP), created from the University of Luxembourg’s research activities. The University works in close collaboration with the TechnoPort, the Ministry of the Economy and the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) to facilitate proof of concept projects leading to the creation of spin-offs. The University stands alongside the spin-off during its development, with a team of knowledge transfer professionals supporting the scientists from the very early stages to the proof of concept phase and incubation. Existing initiatives such as the Entrepreneurship Programme give the University community the opportunity to participate in events like the Ideation Camp, where they can acquire business skills. The Entrepreneurship Programme works closely with the University of Luxembourg Incubator.

The University’s research has led to the creation of the following spin-offs:

  • Black Swan LUX, logo

    Black Swan

    Black Swan designs real-time monitoring and alerting solutions based on sensor data from wearable devices and external sources.

  • Databourg, logo


    Databourg offers environmental monitoring using satellite networks, to warn of imminent flash flooding and other extreme weather events.

  • Datathings


    DataThings is a Luxembourgish startup company aiming at delivering machine learning and live data analytics to many businesses through the development of the GreyCat technology

  • ITTM, logo


    ITTM (Information Technology for Translational Medicine) provides innovative solutions for some of the challenges in accessing, storing and analysing sensitive data in the healthcare sector.

  • LetzMath, logo


    LetzMath offers an individualised mathematics programme for children from three to nine years old with learning difficulties.

  • LuxAI, logo


    LuxAI designs intuitive and smart social robots for everyone. Among its products, QTrobot, a visually appealing, talking robot, offers an innovative approach to therapy for children with autism.

  • Motion-S, logo


    Motion-S designs and implements data-driven products and services in smart mobility, insurance, and the automotive industry by collecting, augmenting, analysing, and profiling vast quantities of data from moving vehicles and individuals.

  • NIRWatchdog | Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectrometer


    Founded in 2023, NIRWatchdog combines Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy and blockchain technology to ensure high-precision quality control for raw materials. Among its features, NIRWatchdog’s advanced molecular fingerprinting and machine learning capabilities achieve over 98% accuracy, providing a robust solution to detect tampering and ensure data integrity across industries.

  • Nium


    NIUM develops solutions for personalised nutritional recommendations based on an advanced analysis of the microbiome and the metabolism.

  • OreganoTherapeutics, logo


    OrganoTherapeutics uses cutting-edge human-specific mini-brains for the discovery and development of effective drug candidates targeting Parkinson’s disease.



    VAGALUME is a Societal Impact Company (SIS) focusing on improving literacy skills in the early school years through learning technology and resources.

  • WavyMeet

    WAVY MEET is a medical telecommunication platform that allows patients to undertake cardiac rehabilitation programs without commuting to the hospital.