Scienteens Academies
During school holidays (Easter, summer break, All Saints), the Scienteens Lab organises one-week long interdisciplinary workshops dedicated to students aged 15 and over. These are unique opportunities to discover different fields, perform lab experiments, work with other budding scientists and catch a glimpse of the life of a researcher. You are interested in science and curious about research? You like experimenting and discovering new scientific concepts? Join one of our Scienteens Academies:
- A biology workshop in spring
- Two workshops (sustainability & biology) during the summer

1. Easter and summer workshops on Cancer Research
14-18 April 2025
21-25 July 2025
The budding scientists manipulate and observe human skin cancer cells under sterile conditions. They study the effects of UV light on the genetic material of bacteria and learn how sunscreen works, evaluating the effectiveness of their homemade sunscreen using physics instruments such as a spectrometer. They discover the translational research needed to better understand this disease and tackle questions such as: How can we treat a particular cancer? What drugs might be effective? Why do some patients develop resistance to certain drugs? And how can we deal with this?
This Scienteens Academy is supported by the Fondation Loutsch-Weydert.
2. Summer workshop on Sustainability
8-12 September 2025
The participants (aged 15 and over) conduct various experiments related to the role of carbon dioxide and renewable energy technologies such as solar cells, discuss whether Luxembourg could generate enough energy to cover its need in a renewable way, and learn more about carbon footprint, mobility and ecosystem management. The programme includes scientific talks, experiments, lab visits and discussion with researchers and experts from the University of Luxembourg and Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST).
3. All Saints workshop in Computer Science
Next edition in 2026
During five days, they get to try their hand at creative coding, neural networks and programming robots, with workshops such as “Art & AI”, “Are computers blind?” and “Think, talk and act like a robot”. They meet researchers from the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) and the Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) of the University of Luxembourg and learn more about their research work on autonomous robots and intelligent automation systems. They visit different research labs and experience first hand the environment in which researchers work. Each participant also works on their own short project, using the skills developed during the academy.
4. Summer workshop in Systems Biology
Next edition in 2026
Participants analyse the growth behaviour and the enzyme activity of the bacterium Escherichia coli. They get to work in a lab with other students, to learn more about biological processes, develop mathematical models and run computer simulations. First, they collect data through practical work in the laboratory, using techniques such as cell culture, spectrophotometry and quantitative analysis of enzymatic reactions. Then, they learn to analyse the data they generated, to develop mathematical models and to run computer-based simulations. To conclude the week, the budding researchers learn to present the project and their results with scientific posters.
Practical information
Scienteens Academy 2025 on cancer research
From Monday 14 to Friday 18 April
From Monday 21 to Friday 25 July
At the Scienteens Lab on Campus Belval (BT1).
Scienteens Academy 2025 on sustainability, climate change and renewable energies
From Monday 8 to Friday 12 September
At the Scienteens Lab on Campus Limpertsberg (Batiments des Sciences) and on Campus Belval (LIST building)
Scienteens Academy in computer science
2024 – From Monday 28 to Thursday 31 October
2025 – From Monday 7 April to Friday 11 April
At the Maison du Savoir (MSA) on Campus Belval.
Scienteens Academy in systems biology
Next edition in 2026
At the Scienteens Lab on Campus Belval (BT1).
Addresses of the buildings in Belval and Limpertsberg:
- BT1 – 7 avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette
- Bâtiment des Sciences – 162a avenue de la Faïencerie L-1511 Luxembourg
- LIST building – 41 rue du Brill L-4422 Belvaux
- MSA – 2 avenue de l’Université L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette
Standard price for all the Scienteens Academies: 80 EUR
Each Scienteens Academy is conducted in one language.
In 2024, the summer workshop on sustainability will be in English.
The All Saints workshop in computer science will be in French (& English for lab visits).
In 2025, the Easter workshop on cancer research will be in English.
The summer workshop on the same topic will be in German (& Luxembourgish).
The number of participants is limited. The Scienteens Lab team will select up to 12 students for each workshop. In order to apply for a Scienteens Academy, candidates have to fill in a registration form and answer a few questions about their motivation and previous experience. The selection is based on their answers. Candidates selected by our team will be informed shortly after submitting their application. When 12 students have been accepted for a workshop, the registrations are closed.
What are we looking for? Highly motivated students who are keen to discover scientific research. Young people who enjoy interdisciplinarity, teamwork and scientific discussions. No previous experience/knowledge is necessary. Rather than very experienced participants, we are looking forward to training enthusiastic learners who are ready to acquire new skills with us. Last but not least, students who contemplate a future in science and want to experience first-hand what a job in that field could look like.