
You would like to know more about the Scienteens Lab’s activities or you have some questions. Find out how to get in touch with our team. Looking for the exact address for your next workshop. You are also in the right place. Still curious? Follow us on Facebook and discover our many workshops through short videos on our YouTube channel.
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Our premises
The biology, mathematics and computer science workshops take place on Campus Belval, in Biotech 1 (BT1) and Maison du Savoir (MSA) respectively.
- Biotech I (BT1)
7, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette
- Maison du Savoir (MSA)
2, place de l’Université
L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette

The physics and sustainability workshops take place on Campus Limpertsberg, in the Bâtiment des sciences.
- Bâtiment des sciences
162a, avenue de la Faïencerie
L-1511 Luxembourg