Outreach Scienteens Lab

Training for teachers

If your are a secondary school teacher working in the Greater Region, this page is for you. Learn more about the workshops offered by the Scienteens Lab for teachers and teachers-in-training. Check if you can get credits for participating in our activities with classes and discover how to get involved with our team.

1. Credits for participation in workshops

Teachers who accompany a class for a workshop can get credits for this activity, if the head of their school agrees. A workshop count as 3 hours of continuing education and the Scienteens Lab delivers the corresponding certificate to the teachers. This is done in collaboration with IFEN.

Each teacher can only get a certificate once for each workshop. It means that a teacher who comes with two classes for the workshop “DNA on the tanning bed” will only get credited for 3 hours. A teacher who accompany a class for “DNA on the tanning bed” and for “The enzyme Dld3 shows its colours” will get credited for 6 hours.

    • This is valid for all workshops in biology, mathematics, physics and computer science.
    • Teachers have to inform our team ahead of time if they require the certificate, so we can prepare it before their visit to the Scienteens Lab.

    2. Advanced training

    Continuing education for teachers and teachers-in-training is offered several times per year in collaboration with the “Institut de formation de l’Éducation nationale” (IFEN).

    These courses match the school curriculum and pick up actual topics. Courses can also be offered upon demand.

    Upcoming courses are listed below.

    3. Décharge

    In order to strengthen the practical experience of high-school teachers, it is possible to make a “Décharge” at the Scienteens Lab.

    During this time, the teachers get to supervise workshops together with scientists and to work on the development of new experiments.

    If you are interested in teaching science and would like to participate, contact our team.