
Your lease

About your lease agreement

Lease agreement cover one semester at a time and may be renewed up to a maximum stay of:

  • thirty-six (36) months for students enrolled in the same Bachelor’s degree programme,​
  • twenty-four (24) months for students enrolled in the same Master’s degree programme,​
  • twenty-four (24) months for doctoral candidates newly enrolled at the University of Luxembourg.​

The University will no longer offer rental contracts:

  • to students who have exceeded the maximum duration of stay,
  • to students who have changed their course of study and have reached the maximum duration of stay in their original programme,
  • to any person other than students who are registered full-time in an eligible programme.

  • 1st (from the first to the last day of one month); or​
  • 16th (from the 16th of one month to the 15th of the following month).​

The lease agreement ends automatically:

  • upon termination of the tenant’s student status ​
  • at the end of the agreement if no extension has been requested (see also: Renewing/ending your lease)

  • A first lease agreement can only be terminated after a period of two full months.​
  • An ongoing lease agreement can only be terminated with one month’s notice.​
  • A lease agreement starting on the 1st of the month can only be terminated at the end of the month.
  • A lease agreement starting on the 16th of the month can only be terminated on the 15th of the month.​


  • The rent is payable in advance on the 5th day of each month if the lease began on the 1st of the month.​
  • The rent is payable in advance on the 20th day of each month if the lease began on the 16th of the month.

By bank transfer

  • Monthly payments are made by bank transfer.​
  • Please include your student ID in the communication field!​​

By credit card

If you need a history of your payments or have a question about your deposit, please submit your request via the Student Service Portal.​


To sign the lease agreement and obtain your keys you will need to show proof that you have taken out home insurance with an insurance company registered in Luxembourg.​

This insurance must cover your university accommodation for the following risks:​

  • Personal and tenant’s liability,​
  • Furniture: €5,000 minimum,​
  • Building and contents: ​
    • Flooding/water damage: water damage caused by water originating or passing through the property or its contents.​
    • Fire, explosion: personal injury and/or property damage caused by fire, a blaze, an explosion or smoke resulting from fire or a blaze, originating in or passing through the property or its contents; damage to property caused by water, fire, a blaze, an explosion or smoke resulting from a fire or blaze.​

The University of Luxembourg also offers a multi-risk home insurance.​

You can also take out a home insurance with any other insurance company registered in Luxembourg.

Renewing/ending your lease

All lease agreements are for a fixed term.
Ten weeks before the end of your lease, you will receive an email asking you whether you wish to renew or leave your accommodation.​
In both cases you must reply.

When you receive the email, you will have two weeks (the deadline is indicated in the email) to submit a request to renew your accommodation.​

After this period, if you do not respond:

The accommodation will no longer be available and you will have to leave the premises at the end of your rental contract.​
If the accommodation has not been reallocated, you will have to pay a late payment penalty of €100 to be able to renew your tenancy agreement.

For tenants with a mechanical key and all residents of UNIVAL I, UNIVAL II, Parc du Canal, the lease renewal agreement can be signed via the Student Service Portal.

When you receive the email, you will have two weeks (the deadline is indicated in the email) to submit your notification that you do not wish to renew the lease.​
After this period, if you do not respond a late payment penalty of 100 will be deducted from your rental deposit.​

Going on and returning from a mobility/exchange semester​

You are living in one of our residences and will be going on a mobility trip during the next semester.
If you need a room again after your return, please apply for accommodation at the beginning of your exchange semester. Late applications can unfortunately not be processed as a priority.

Change of residence

For organizational reasons, room changes are generally not accepted except in the event of a case of “force majeure”. If a room change request is approved, it will be subject to availability. Room changes are not possible during the beginning of the academic year (September/October) and at the beginning of the summer semester (February/March), unless it is deemed an emergency by the SEVE Housing Office.

If you would like to request a room change, please open a ticket in your Student Service Portal to send official proof of “force majeure” (proof of medical condition or marital status proof) along with the completed room change request form provided below.

A room change is only possible upon payment of the sum of 120 € covering administrative and maintenance costs. This amount must be paid by bank card during an appointment with the SEVE Housing office (

The SEVE Housing Office will decide on the follow-up to be given to the room change request. The decision will not be appealed.

Upload your room change request (PDF) to the Student Service Portal.

Moving in

To sign the contract and obtain your keys you will need to come to our office (exceptions below). Our office is accessible exclusively by appointment via Affluences.​

For organisational reasons, accommodation is only available from 4PM on the first day of the contract period (1st or 16th of the month, depending on the contract). Please note that if the first day of your contract falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, you will only be able to move in on the next working day following the first day of your lease).​

You will not be able to collect your key and move in outside office hours. If you arrive in the evening, on a weekend or on a public holiday, you will have to find a temporary solution off campus.

You will only be able to sign the lease and obtain your keys if:​

  • You have completed your enrolment at the Student Department Admissions Office and obtained your student card;​
  • You have confirmed your acceptance of the accommodation by paying the deposit and the first month’s rent;
  • You submitted a housing insurance certificate to the Student Department Housing Office.

Procedure for residences without an inventory of arrival:

As soon as you receive notification of the accommodation you have been allocated, please make an appointment with:

Student Department Housing Office (via Affluences) to sign your lease on the day of your arrival 

Procedure only for residences with an inventory of arrival:

Maison Clair-Chêne, Maison des Chercheurs, Maison Dommeldange, Maison Schleich-Lentz, Résidence le Parc du Canal – Maison B, Résidence le Parc du Canal – Maison C, Résidence Twenty 8 and Résidence 120

Your key will be handed over to you by the technician during the inventory of arrival, provided that your contract has already been signed.

As soon as you receive notification of the accommodation you have been allocated, please make an appointment with:

  1. Student Department Housing Office (via Affluences) to sign your lease on the day of your arrival AND
  2. The technical team (by emailing to receive your key at the residence on the day of your arrival. The appointment with the technical team needs to happen after signing the lease.​

Note: Please make sure to indicate your name, residence and room number, as well as your contract start date in the email to

​On the day of your arrival, you must comply with the following steps in this order:

  1. Come and sign your lease agreement at The Student Department Accommodation Office.​
  2. Go to the front of your residence with your signed lease agreement and meet the technician at the agreed time, complete the initial inventory of arrival with the technician, and collect your key.

​For most residences, the initial inventory will have already been completed by the time you sign your lease and receive your key.​

For the following residences the keys will be handed to you by the technician during the inventory of arrival at the residence:

  • Maison Clair-Chêne
  • Maison des Chercheurs
  • Maison Dommeldange
  • Maison Schleich-Lentz
  • Résidence le Parc du Canal – Maison B
  • Résidence le Parc du Canal – Maison C
  • Résidence Twenty 8
  • Résidence 120

When you receive your keys, the inventory will be carried out in person. See the section “Signing of the lease and obtaining your keys”.

Moving out

In most residences, the final inventory will be done for you automatically. ​


  • Maison Clair-Chêne
  • Maison des Chercheurs
  • Maison Dommeldange
  • Maison Schleich-Lentz
  • Résidence le Parc du Canal – Maison B
  • Résidence le Parc du Canal – Maison C
  • Résidence Twenty 8
  • Résidence 120

For these residences, the inventory will be done with a technician when you return your keys. It is mandatory that you inform the technical team of your departure in good time so that you can arrange an appointment.​

The inventory of departure appointment must be scheduled in advance by opening a ticket in your student portal and clicking on the category “Issue”, then “Housing – Issue”.

  • The subject of the ticket must be “Inventory of departure appointment”.

You must leave your accommodation no later than 9AM on the last day of your lease agreement (which may be either the 15th or the last day of the month). Please note that if the last day of your lease falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday, the accommodation has to be vacated on the last working day prior the end date of your lease agreement).​

Any lost or unreturned key will be charged according to article 7.5 of the lease agreement.

Residences without an inventory of departure:

At the end of your lease agreement, you will have to hand over your token/key to the security guards located​:

  • At the reception of Belval Campus, “Auditorium” entrance of the Maison du Savoir (MSA).​
  • At the reception of Kirchberg Campus​
  • At the reception of Limpertsberg Campus​

The key must be inserted in an envelope indicating the following information: your last name and first name, your residence and room number (the key for the mailbox must remain in the accommodation).

During the teaching periods, security guards are present from Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 21:45 and on Saturdays from 7:30 to 17:30.
Outside these hours, contact +352/ 46 66 44-5555 to return your token/keys to the security officer in the Security Control Centre (open 24/7) at the “Administration” entrance of the Maison du Savoir (MSA).

During university holidays, the reception “Auditorium” entrance on Belval Campus is closed. Keys must be returned to the security officer in the Security Control Centre at the “Administration” entrance of the Maison du Savoir (MSA) between 7:00 and 17:00.
On Kirchberg and Limpertsberg campus, the reception is open Monday to Friday from 7:00 to 22:00 (closed on Saturdays: keys must be returned to the security officer in the Security Control Centre between 7:00 and 17:00).

Residences with an inventory of departure:

Maison Clair-Chêne, Maison des Chercheurs, Maison Dommeldange, Maison Schleich-Lentz, Résidence le Parc du Canal – Maison B, Résidence le Parc du Canal – Maison C, Résidence Twenty 8 and Résidence 120

  • The key must be returned to the technician during the inventory of departure
  • The inventory of departure appointment must be scheduled in advance by opening a ticket in your student portal and clicking on the category “Issue”, then “Housing – Issue”.
    • The subject of the ticket must be “Inventory of departure appointment”.

If all your rent has been paid and no damage is found in the accommodation, the deposit will be refunded 4 to 8 weeks after the end of your lease via bank transfer to the bank account you entered on your Student Portal (Guichet Étudiant).​