Studies at the Department of Physics and Materials Science
Dive into an inspiring adventure
The hallmark of teaching at DPhyMS is the early introduction of research. By tackling complex problems, our students acquire an understanding of how physics contributes to a broad spectrum of applications. From undergraduate to PhD level, the courses at our department provide students with excellent foundational skills, preparing them for careers in a broad range of sectors across industry and academia.
Engage with fast-growing international teams
Studying physics at the University of Luxembourg is a unique experience. Small work groups catalyse discussion and hands-on learning. Led by world-renowned professors, our students have early access to research within an international network. Opportunities for Europe-wide exchange include access to the trinational German-French-Luxembourgish Study Course in Physics.
At a glance

Early internship opportunity for Bachelor and Master students

Get more out of your time at DPhyMS
The Department of Physics and Materials Science offers an excellent environment to start getting acquainted with physics. We want our students to feel connected to their professors and our broader international community of researchers of about 200 people, including 65 doctoral candidates.
For Bachelor and Master students interested in joining us for an internship, we would like to encourage you to visit our department webpages and then, address your demand specifically to a research group where your study profile fits or where you expect to see possibilities for yourself. Application and CV must be sent to the Professor/Group leader in English.