Department Department of Physics & Materials Science

Excellence-driven condensed matter physics & quantum phenomena research

A highly stimulating environment attracting top-level scientists.

What are the fundamental properties of matter? How do functional materials work? What future directions will quantum technologies and advanced materials take? Research at DPhyMS targets five areas, mixing theoretical and experimental approaches: Quantum Science & Technology, Statistical Physics & Machine Learning, Soft & Living Matter, Photovoltaics & Sustainable Energy, Spectroscopy & Functional Materials

Blue-sky research for tomorrow’s challenges

Piloted by world-leading scientists

The University of Luxembourg’s DPhyMS is committed to basic research. Yet, when you explore condensed matter, statistical phenomena, mesoscopic systems, new materials, AI for science, quantum phenomena, and living matter, novel application opportunities naturally emerge. DPhyMS is a supportive environment for start-up creation.

Our highly research-oriented department was created in 2003. Despite this relative youth, members include 8 FNR-ATTRACT fellows, 4 ERC grant holders and several editors of prestigious journals. This high-profile environment has contributed to the department’s rapid growth to almost 200 people today.

Training at DPhyMS addresses Luxembourg’s growing need for scientists. Through the Scienteens programme, we elicit early interest in physics and other STEM subjects. In our department, students at all levels are involved in real-world cutting-edge science. The excellent student-teacher ratio creates opportunities for multiple interactions.

DPhyMS addresses national priorities in material discovery and computing. Our work has led to a number of collaborations in the private and public sectors, including Avancis, Janssen, GSK, Goodyear, Luxembourg Institute of Sciences and Technology, and Luxembourg Institute of Health.

Research projects