Excellence-driven condensed matter physics & quantum phenomena research
A highly stimulating environment attracting top-level scientists.
What are the fundamental properties of matter? How do functional materials work? What future directions will quantum technologies and advanced materials take? Research at DPhyMS targets five areas, mixing theoretical and experimental approaches: Quantum Science & Technology, Statistical Physics & Machine Learning, Soft & Living Matter, Photovoltaics & Sustainable Energy, Spectroscopy & Functional Materials
Our research groups
Complex Systems and Statistical Mechanics
Dynamics of Fluids
Experimental Soft Matter Physics
Integrative Biophysics
Laboratory for Energy Materials
Laboratory for Photovoltaics
Liquid crystals and nanomaterials
Multifunctional Ferroic Materials
Physics of Active Matter
Physics of Advanced Materials
Physics of Living Matter
Quantum Dynamics and Control
Quantum Information Theory
Surface and Interface Physics
Theoretical Chemical Physics
Theoretical Solid State Physics
Theory and Simulation of Functional Materials
Theory of Mesoscopic Quantum Systems
Ultrafast Condensed Matter Physics