Department Department of Physics & Materials Science

Excellence in research and great ambitions for our students

Fundamental research targeting complex physical systems

Complex systems and properties of matter, including novel materials, are central to the research undertaken in the Department of Physics and Materials Science (DPhyMS) at the University of Luxembourg.

A glimpse into DPhyMS: A stimulating multicultural department of international renown

Today’s world meets a major sustainability challenge. Scientific and technological innovations are part of the response. DPhyMS is laying the foundations in this field by spearheading unconstrained research in complex systems, quantum technologies, and materials science.

By training young scientists to address complex topics, we meet another need of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the world as a whole.

Physics is everywhere


  • Magnetic skyrmions are fuzzy quantum particles

    Physics & Materials Science
    Learn more
  • DPhyMS workshop 2024: A day of insightful research

    Research, workshop
    Physics & Materials Science
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