Unconstrained cutting-edge Computer Science research
A web of fundamental and applied research
Communication, artificial intelligence (AI), software, and security. The research topics addressed by the DCS cover a wide range at the epicenter of modern society. Our exploratory studies shape the future of computing.
Both basic and applied approaches are used to tackle projects, some of which take inspiration from industrial and societal challenges.
Research projects
Our research groups
Applied Crypto Group
Applied Security and Information Assurance
Big Data, Data Science and Databases
Blue Neural Networks
Collaborative and Socio-Technical Systems
Computational Interaction
Computational Law and Machine Ethics
Computational Number Theory
Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems
Cryptographic Protocols
Cryptology Research Group
Foundation of Model-Driven Engineering
Individual and Collective Reasoning
Knowledge Discovery and Mining
Proactive Computing
Mathematics of Security
Quantum Algorithms and Technologies of Emulation in High Performance Computing
Parallel Computing and Optimisation
Software engineering and Artificial intelligence Group on Ecosystem management
Security and Trust of Software Systems
Security and Networking Lab
Security, Reasoning and Validation