Study Programmes Joint Master Transnational German Studies

Experiencing and understanding Europe

The joint programme is taught at 4 different European universities and focuses on German language, literature and culture with a specialisation in the Middle Ages and the Early-Modern period.

The programme at a glance – 120 ECTS

  • Duration:
    2 years / 4 sem
  • Teaching languages:
    DE + EN
  • Admissions:
    EU: 22 Oct 2025 – 29 Oct 2025
  • Fees:
    0€/ sem. (semester 1,3,4)
    1000€/ sem. (semester 2)
  • Format:
    Full-time programme (Part-time student status allowed)

Why study with us?

The Master programme provides a unique mobility experience. German Studies in a European context are combined with an intensive travel experience in Europe – students stay each semester at a different European university.
The programme offers a specific pathway in Literary studies, which enables students to understand the historical and cultural factor influencing modern European society.

What do we offer our students?

An international experience

During each of the four semesters, students live in and experience a different European country and a different European university: a coordinated study programme awaits them at the universities of Porto, Luxembourg, Mainz and Palermo.

A joint international degree

Students are registered as regular students at all four universities for all four semesters. After successfully completing the programme, each student receives a joint Master’s diploma from all four universities – and thus receives four European master degrees in one.


The study programme creates diverse opportunities on how to get to know the expectations of the job market and to acquire specific skills while studying. Representatives of various professional fields offer insights into future work areas.
