The QCI Lab has been designed to enable advanced and applied research in quantum key distribution and quantum internet – a vital stage in the next generation of computing and internet usage. It was established in the framework of the EuroQCI and LuxQCI strategic initiatives and is currently funded by the RRF and DEP programs of the European Commission.

In particular, the lab conducts research on quantum key distribution (QKD), the most effective communication technology in the short term to protect systems against quantum computing-enabled attacks. Nevertheless, the lab infrastructure has been designed with an open approach to support more nascent areas, such as quantum information networks. In fact, the QCI Lab supports innovative research across all layers of quantum communication networks, namely software, cryptography, networking, signal processing, and optics.

The testbed includes two nodes at the two campuses of the University of Luxembourg (Kirchberg and Belval). These nodes can be federated with similar national initiatives by private and public entities to create more complicated topologies and pave the way to QKD through satellite systems. Two interconnection types have been implemented among the nodes: leased optical fiber and free space optics.

The facility is accessible to other public and private entities as infrastructure or in a partnership agreement with SnT.

Services Offered

Collaborative Research Projects – SnT Partnership Programme
We co-invest 50-50 in collaborative research projects with public and private partners through our Partnership Programme.

Key benefits for partners:

• Gain access to world-class research and talent
• Leverage our state-of-the-art infrastructure
• Get 50-50 co-financing for our joint project
• Qualify for additional funding opportunities for public/private partnerships

Learn more about our Partnership Programme.

Other Collaboration Opportunities
Our facilities have hosted a number of initiatives, from conferences to ESA challenges and hackathons. In fact, several of them have been designed to adapt to different applications. Get in touch with our staff to enquire about collaboration opportunities.

Head of Laboratory

Dr. Juan Carlos Merlano Duncan

Research scientist