Interdisciplinary Centre Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT)


Designing small, modular satellites for flexible applications

A CubeSat is a nanosatellite measuring 10 x 10 x 10 cm, completely customisable, modular and designed to operate for 1-3 years in low Earth orbit. These satellites have served experimental purposes but are being increasingly used for business and scientific applications. In particular, when deployed in formation, they offer new capabilities for imaging and sensing applications.

CubeSats are the catalysts of the NewSpace industry. Thanks to the countless applications they lend themselves to, and their reduced cost, these nanosatellites have spurred a new space race.

Hundreds of CubeSat launches are currently scheduled for the next couple of years by companies like Planet, Hawkeye, Hiber, Spire, and many more.

Students of the Interdisciplinary Space Master start designing CubeSat missions from day 1, and test their knowledge on a flight-ready prototype in the dedicated laboratory. Once their mission will launch, they will be able to practise real space flight operations.

Services Offered

Collaborative Research Projects – SnT Partnership Programme
We co-invest 50-50 in collaborative research projects with public and private partners through our Partnership Programme.

Key benefits for partners:

• Gain access to world-class research and talent
• Leverage our state-of-the-art infrastructure
• Get 50-50 co-financing for our joint project
• Qualify for additional funding opportunities for public/private partnerships

Learn more about our Partnership Programme.

Other Collaboration Opportunities
Our facilities have hosted a number of initiatives, from conferences to ESA challenges and hackathons. In fact, several of them have been designed to adapt to different applications. Get in touch with our staff to enquire about collaboration opportunities.

Head of Laboratory

Dr. Mohammadamin Alandihallaj

Post-doctoral Researcher in the Space Systems Engineering (SpaSys) Research Group