Study Programmes Master en Enseignement secondaire – Mathématiques

Study and career opportunities

MSE-M graduates can become:
– Mathematics teachers in high-schools
– Mathematicians in institutions and companies.

They also have access to other jobs related to education, for example within the public system.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Knowledge of a variety of mathematical methods, that can be further developed, applied, and combined
    • Logic/analytical reasoning and problem-solving skills, openness, dynamism, and competence
    • Mastery of pedagogical and didactical methods, that can be adapted to different settings
    • Awareness of multilinguism, multiculturalism, and inclusiveness
    • Communication skills, allowing them to present contents accurately and effectively to various audiences
    • A cooperative attitude and a sense of responsibility, that allow fruitful teamwork and create a pleasant work environment
    • Risk-management skills, a positive attitude towards mistakes, resilience, and a commitment to lifelong learning and development.

    Study perspectives

    Graduates can continue their studies with a PhD in Mathematics and Applications

    Career perspectives

    • Research and Development
    • Teaching
    • Consulting
    • Analytics