Department Department of Mathematics

Outreach activities & Didactics material

In addition to their research and teaching activities, mathematicians from the Department of Mathematics at the University of Luxembourg are also involved in popularising mathematics. Lectures, workshops, continuing education courses… Here is a general presentation of these activities.

Activities for secondary school classes and students

  • Scienteens Lab in Mathematics

    4 workshops for secondary school classes (age: 15-19)

  • Maths.en.Jeans

    Research projects for high school students

  • Mathematicians in the classroom

    Invite a mathematician to your class!

  • Girls Exploring Math

    Deconstructing gender stereotypes

  • Math Day

    Multilingual math competition

General awareness



  • Dr. Ann KIEFER

    Dr. Ann KIEFER

    Postdoctoral researcher
  • Assoc. Prof Christophe LEY

    Assoc. Prof Christophe LEY

    Associate professor in Mathematics
  • Dr. Thierry MEYRATH

    Dr. Thierry MEYRATH

    Education Programme Specialist
  • Assoc. Prof Antonella PERUCCA

    Assoc. Prof Antonella PERUCCA

    Associate professor in Mathematics
  • Assist. Prof Bruno TEHEUX

    Assist. Prof Bruno TEHEUX

    Assistant professor in Mathematics