Student and graduate feedback

The University of Luxembourg is committed to providing students ample opportunity to give feedback and discuss their study experiences with teaching and programme staff. Student and graduate feedback is an essential component of the University’s Quality Assurance Framework for Education and as such is being continuously developed.
Feedback at the University of Luxembourg
Feedback is crucial for enhancing learning – for both teaching staff and students. Instructors rely on student and graduate feedback to know what their teaching has achieved. It helps them to understand how they can improve and identify what steps they need to take to do so. By giving feedback, students also develop a newfound appreciation of their learning process.
Currently, students at the University of Luxembourg can provide feedback on various dimensions of their study experiences via a range of channels. For an overview of the dimensions (quality of the learning experience, facilities, support services, among others) on which current and former students at the University of Luxembourg are asked to share their thoughts, please refer to Student and Graduate Feedback: Framework and application.
All students at the University are asked to fill in questionnaires to share their insights on their learning experiences as related to specific courses and programmes. Once a particular questionnaire has been launched, students receive an invitation to participate via email and other communication channels (Moodle, Facebook, Instagram, etc.).
Course feedback questionnaire
The Course feedback questionnaire is an online questionnaire that gathers input from students on their study and learning experiences. It provides information with the aim of helping instructors and students raise the quality of their teaching and learning. It is offered once per semester for all courses taught at the University of Luxembourg, with the exception of doctoral studies. Doctoral candidates can provide feedback about their courses (transferable skills and disciplinary and interdisciplinary training) via specific forms after each course.
Click on the button for more information.
Assessment feedback questionnaire
The main objective of the assessment feedback questionnaire is to give teaching staff a better idea of how their assessment is perceived by their bachelor and master students and to give students an opportunity to voice any concerns and reflections regarding assessment. The assessment feedback questionnaire was introduced for the first time in the winter semester 2022-2023.
Click on the button for more information.
Student and graduate surveys are designed to encourage structured reflection on experiences and expectations and to provide constructive commentary.
The following surveys are offered at the University of Luxembourg.
Student satisfaction survey
The Student satisfaction survey has been held annually since 2019. It aims to assess the level of satisfaction of bachelor and master students with various aspects of their studies and services at the University, including the application, arrival and orientation phase; the content and academic quality of their study programme; assessment and feedback; learning resources; and student accommodation. The results have been consistent and positive over the years, with students satisfied overall with their University experience and over 80% of students being prepared to recommend the University to others. The Survey provides important feedback to the University, which is continually reflected and acted on to continue to improve the student experience. Your feedback is important to us and we look forward to continuing this dialogue!
Graduate survey
The questionnaire is administered to all graduates of a given academic year following graduation.To give the University a better understanding of how it can help students prepare for their professional life after graduation, bachelor, master and doctoral graduates are asked for feedback on their study experience, the transition from University studies to the labour market, and their employment situation. The questionnaire is administered to all graduates in a given academic year following graduation.
Other surveys
One-off surveys are conducted to collect information and give students the opportunity to share their views and opinions on current topics of importance to the University community. Past topics have included the research experience of doctoral students, career trajectories of doctoral graduates, mobility, remote teaching, etc.
Students can contact their study programme representatives or the Student Delegation to give feedback concerning their study programme, study experience or the life at the University more generally.
Information about the election process for study programme representatives can be provided by the study programme administrator or the study programme director of each respective study programme.
Doctoral candidates also have the opportunity to represent their doctoral programmes as doctoral programme representatives.
More information
- Institutional projects and programme accreditation.
- Direct communication with teaching and programme staff (by email, phone and/or in person).
- Dialogue in various formats (student focus groups, discussion groups, semi-structured interviews, etc.) if feedback is required on specific issues or initiatives.
If you would like to share your thoughts about possibilities to give feedback and/or put forward any further initiatives, suggestions or ideas to improve the quality of learning and teaching on your study programme, please let us know at any of the following emails.