Telephone: (+352) 46 66 44 93 90
Our locations
How to get to the LCSB
The LCSB is located in Esch-Belval, which is part of Esch-sur-Alzette and Belvaux.
If you are travelling by car from the north, take the A4 towards Esch-sur-Alzette and stay on this road until it joins the B40. Follow the signs ‘Belval – Uni’. This will take you onto the ‘Porte de France’, the main road into Esch-Belval.
Please use the plan below to orientate on the campus.
The Biotech I (BT1) building is directly next to the old blast furnace site, close to the red Dexia buildings. The building is a bit hidden. It is a six floor modern white building.
The Biotech II (BT2) building is close to ALDI, right next to ADEM and across the street from Southlane Towers, with the main entrance to Avenue du Swing.
The entrance of the Ketterthill building, which is the west-arm of the building complex, is in the back of the building. The LCSB staff has offices on the 5th floor.
The Rouden Eck (or BTL) has its entrance to the Boulevard du Jazz (No. 1), between AXA and Lineheart, close to the bus stop Um Bedding. You can find LCSB staff on floors 4 and 5.
We recommend to use the parking in front of Maison du Savoir (MSA) or the basement garage under the Belval Plaza shopping mall. From either site it is a 5-10 minutes walk to either of our buildings. In the Belval Plaza, the parking is for free for stays of less than 3 hours if something was bought in the mall and the ticket was validated.
If you are travelling by train, you can get off at the Belval Université station. All of our buildings are a 5-10 minute walk from the station. If you come by bus, the bus stops closest to our buildings are:
- Belval, Um Bedding for Biotech II, Ketterthill and Rouden Eck. Belval Porte de France is also nearby.
- Esch-sur-Alzette, Porte des Sciences or Avenue du Rock’n’Roll for the Biotech I building.