
The study programme is made of 6 course modules spread over two semesters:
• 67 hours of blended-learning (mainly on Fridays and occasionally on Saturday mornings)
• approximately 156 hours of personal work (e-learning, course review, writing a professional project, etc.)
The expertise of a multidisciplinary team
Our team is made up of university researchers and professionals in the field, such as psychologists, trainers and educational managers.
Academic content
L’Autisme, une introduction (2 ECTS)
This module offers an in-depth study of autism, focusing on the fundamental concepts in the Luxembourg and global context. It includes a historical overview, tracing the origins and current prevalence of autism with a scientific approach. The courses critically analyse the different theories of autism, exploring its complex causes and associated factors. They also examine how autism is classified in different diagnostic systems, providing an overview of changing perspectives. Beyond classification, this module looks at the characteristics of autism across developmental stages. It also examines cultural perspectives, showing how societal contexts influence our understanding of autism. Finally, this module will explore the nuanced manifestations between the sexes.
- Define autism and classify it according to different systems.
- Understand the current situation of autism based on its history.
- Identify the causes and factors associated with autism.
- Distinguish the differential characteristics.
- Be aware of the challenges during the different phases of development.
Course 1: Definition, classification, differentiation (4,5h)
Historical overview of autism and current situation. Presentation of the different theories. Definition of autism, perspectives and nomenclatures. Classification according to different systems.
Course 2: Causes, associated factors and prognosis (4,5h)
Causes of autism, associated factors such as culture and gender. Determining factors for different prognoses in different areas of life.
Course 3: Development and evolution (4,5h)
Autism during the different phases of development and its evolution.
Autism, diagnosis (1 ECTS)
This module provides participants with knowledge of the fundamental principles involved in identifying and diagnosing autism spectrum disorders. The study of specific cases during the course highlights the main components of the diagnosis and the conditions for applying the methods presented.
- Recognise the signs of autism and risk factors.
- Distinguish autism from other disorders.
- Recognise different diagnostic instruments, their advantages and targets.
- Understand the relationship between diagnosis and skills.
- Be familiar with the elements surrounding diagnosis (supervision, announcement, follow-up and coordination).
Course 1: Characteristics of diagnosis and differential diagnosis (4.5 hrs)
Study of the characteristics, the distinction from other disorders and the methods of application of the different components surrounding the diagnostic and skills assessment. Work on a case study and its diagnosis assessment.
Course 2: Diagnosis instruments (4.5 hrs)
Presentation of the main diagnostic tools, their applicability, advantages and limitations. Practical application of diagnosis tools based on various case studies.
Interventions, approaches and support (2 ECTS)
How do we interact with people with autism and understand their reactions? How can we identify their day-to-day challenges? These are just some of the surfacing questions when working and interacting with people with autism. To answer them, this immersive course module will give you a better understanding of how people with autism function. Thanks to the professionals who work with them on a daily basis, you will be equipped with a coherent set of strategies and tools for understanding autism from the inside.
- Immerse yourself in the world of a person with autism.
- Create a structured activity based on the non-formal assessment of a skill.
- Integrate the difficulties of a person with autism into their daily environment by analysing the function of challenging behaviour.
- Discover two recognised educational programmes in the field of autism: the ESDM model and structured education based on the TEACCH® programme.
- Familiarise yourself with the key concepts of socio-pragmatic interventions (DIRFloortime®, Sensory Integration (SI), Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)).
Course 1: Understanding autism from the inside (3 hrs)
The activities proposed in a playful setting enable participants to gain a better understanding of how a person with autism functions. The workshop focuses on sensoriality, central coherence, executive functions and theory of mind.
Course 2: Educational intervention (5.5 hrs)
The methods and treatments recognised by Autisme Europe and the Haute Autorité de Santé (France) as good professional practice in autism will be presented. This will provide participants with a coherent set of strategies to use when interacting with people with autism.
Courses 3 and 4: Challenging and testimonial behaviours (3h and 2h)
This course looks at the concept of challenging behaviour, its characteristics and everyday manifestations. Participants will develop their ability to observe and identify challenging behaviour. Meeting and testimonial with an autistic person.
Course 5: Socio-pragmatic approaches (3 hrs) Presentation of socio-pragmatic interventions, in particular DIR Floortime, SI and CAA. Emphasis will be placed on self-determination, the development of spontaneous thought, communication and relationship with autistic people.
Education, training and employment (1 ECTS)
This module will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to guide and support autistic people, both children and adults, in a caring and effective way at key moments in their lives, such as education, training and the various pathways to employment. You will also consider how best to support the inclusion of people with autism in the workplace.
- To know and differentiate between support services in regular and special education in Luxembourg.
- Understand and apply the procedures for counselling and monitoring autistic pupils at local, regional and national levels of the Education Nationale.
- Adapting education for autistic pupils using different methods such as Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC), TEACCH®, DIRFloortime®, etc.
- Learn how to guide autistic students towards professional and adult life.
- To identify the particularities and specificities of employment-related learning for people with autism.
- Understand the possibilities of a professional life for people with autism
Course 1: Regular and special education services in Luxembourg (1h30)
The characteristics of regular and special education in Luxembourg. Study and understanding of the procedures for supporting autistic pupils at local, regional and national level.
Course 2: Counselling, specialised outpatient intervention and parental guidance (2h15)
Practical application of the concepts presented in support of professionals in mainstream education, autistic pupils in regular schools and parents of autistic children and young people.
Course 3: Teaching approaches and methods (2h15)
Pedagogical principles in specialised classes. Preparation for adult life.
Course 4: Perspectives after mandatory schooling (6h)
Reminder of the cognitive functioning of an autistic person: the challenges involved in finding and carrying out a job (sensory constraints, social aspects). Adapting working conditions for people with autism. The job market: the ordinary market and professional inclusion workshops. What steps need to be taken to join a day centre? Find out about job coaching workshops devoted to the labour market. Focus on the specific situations of autistic women and people with a late diagnosis.
Independent living: family life, leisure, sport and housing
(1 ECTS)
This module looks at the different aspects of independent living for people with autism, enabling you to understand their perception of the world and the possible challenges they may encounter in daily activities and leisure pursuits. By following the courses in this module, taught by professionals with experience of working with people with autism, you will discover tools that you can use in your professional activities.
- Take account of the strengths and weaknesses of people with autism in leisure activities.
- Recognise the need for structured education according to the TEACCH® programme in leisure activities.
- Identify leisure activities adapted to the needs of people with autism.
- Be familiar with the various accommodation possibilities.
- Use the knowledge acquired to meet the social inclusion needs of people with autism.
Course 1: Leisure activities and education according to TEACCH® (4h)
Leisure activities: definition, framework and study of the strengths and weaknesses of autistic people in leisure activities. Structured education according to the TEACCH® programme in leisure activities:
- the need for adaptation and learning
- structuring time and space
- structuring activities
- physical and sporting activities
Course 2: Social life on the daily (4 hrs)
Family life (siblings) and life as a couple: common core and special features. Living in an institution, semi-autonomously or autonomously. Autism and ageing.
Professional project (3 ECTS)
The professional project responds to a concrete need identified in the learner’s professional environment. Its application will provide real added value for the professionals involved, as well as for the organisation in which they work.
For participants who do not work directly with autistic people, the professional project may be replaced by a research paper. The subject of this individual work may concern autism-related issues and should provide appropriate responses, based on the knowledge acquired during the course.
In both cases, the participants’ work will be written up and presented to a jury made up of the programme director and professional experts.
- Identify and solve a problem encountered in the course of one’s practice and directly linked to the care of autistic people, or ;
- Identify and solve a potential problem that could arise in a professional environment in connection with the care of people with autism.
Course: Project methodology (4.5 hours)
Project supervision: individual guidance (4.5 hrs)