Faculty Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE)

An ambitious interdisciplinary approach

The Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) brings together five Departments and one Centre whose work aimed at understanding and response to complex societal issues in time of rapid technological and economic changes. They offer critical perspectives and provide tools to address complex challenges such as social inequality, urban evolution, multilingualism, migration or ageing population. The research activities of the Faculty are both internationally recognised and nationally relevant.

Engaged in and for research

How are human living conditions changing in an increasingly globalised world? How can we shape these changes in a social and sustainable way? Those are the questions that lie at the heart of the Faculty’s research activities.

Our research priority

Multilingualism and cultural diversity shape and challenge Luxembourg´s society every day and in every way – especially in the education system. The field of education has therefore been our research priority for many years.

Our research centres and networks

The European Migration Network (EMN) is an interdisciplinary group of experts providing up-to-date, objective, reliable and comparable information on Luxembourg’s migratory situation at national and European level, as well as before other Member States of the European Union.

The UniGR-Center for Border Studies (UniGR-CBS) is an Interdisciplinary Center of Expertise of the University of the Greater Region (UniGR). The involved border researchers from universities in France, Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg analyse borders and border regions in Europe and beyond. The coordination unit ofthe cross-border research centre hosted by the FHSE is held by Dr. Christian Wille and his team.

Our research chairs

The UNESCO Chair in Human Rights was awarded to Prof. Jean-Paul Lehners in 2011. Its aim is to promote research, teaching and documentation on human rights. With its Chairs, UNESCO seeks to raise awareness about its work and objectives within universities. It also aims to encourage exchanges between academics and increase the involvement of universities from the Southern Hemisphere within the international scientific community.

The Chair in Urban Regeneration is held by Prof. Markus Miessen and is dedicated to urban planning and urban regeneration of Esch-sur-Alzette. The chair aims to set up research and teaching activities in these domains, by prioritising questions of regional and crossborder interest on public space, mobility or socio-economic dynamics of the habitat.

The Chair of Legislative Studies funded by the Chambre des Députés du Luxembourg is held by Philippe Poirer, lecturer in political science. The chair mainly supports research activities in the domains of democracy, legislation and comparable politics in Europe. Research activities include European governance at the national and European level, Parliament and citizen participation, referenda and petitions, code of conduct, status of the elected bodies, and Europeanisation of the organizational norms of democracy, the election process and parliamentarianism, ethics and science.