Faculty Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE)

About the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

The faculty’s research and teaching focuses on social, economic, political and educational issues with the common goal of contributing to an inclusive, open and resourceful society.

The activities of the Faculty are both internationally recognised and nationally relevant. It plays an essential societal role for various national partners through the training of education and social work professionals, the publication of national research reports, advising on public policy, and the research and teaching of the country’s history, culture, and language.

Envisionning tomorrow, impacting today, reflecting on the past

Through humanities and social sciences, we learn about our cultural heritage, about the foundations of society and the ongoing construction of history. We become aware of the constitutive force of language, of diverging cultures and identities, and how social structures develop into mental structures.

But the ‘soft’ sciences are not focussing on the past only. In various ways, they are also engaged with the future, they extend the scope of the thinkable and inform ongoing cultural processes. Their role is to reveal alternatives in dealing with current issues and future challenges. At the University of Luxembourg, The Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences addresses these complex challenges with an interdisciplinary approach

Facts & Figures

  • 88 Professors

  • 597 Graduates

  • 1195 Bachelor Students

  • 704 Master Students

  • 243 PhD Students

  • 46 Incoming Students

  • 5 Departments

  • 15 Laboratories

Strongly connected to national society

Empowering Luxembourg through professional Education

The Faculty contributes significantly to Luxembourg by providing vital professional education in various fields. It offers teacher-training programmes that equip future educators with the pedagogical and didactic skills necessary to excel in diverse classroom settings and meet the challenges of Luxembourg’s multilingual and multicultural school environment.

The Faculty also trains social workers to address complex social issues, prepare them to design and carry out prevention, counseling and support vulnerable populations effectively.

While offering specialised education for psychologist and ensuring they are well-prepared to provide critical mental health services, the Faculty also plays a crucial role in strengthening the professional workforce and supporting the wellbeing of the community.

Informing Policy with Evidence-Based research

Through research findings and the publication of reports, members of the Faculty inform policy-makers on a wide variety of subjects such as education, childhood and youth, housing, urban planning, health, inclusion, and migration. These evidence-based insights help shape policies that address the needs and challenges of the society while ensuring the sustainable development of Luxembourg.

    Management team

    Our Faculty is home of five Department and of the Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing. More than 400 professionals and researchers contribute everyday to our mission.

    Prof. Robert Harmsen

    Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

    Antoine Fischbach

    Prof. Antoine Fischbach

    Associate professor in Educational and Psychological Measurement – Vice- Dean of FHSE

    People in numbers

    • 88
    • 236
    • 140
      Staff members