About Profile


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    The University and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research sign a new multi-year contract covering the period 2022-2025.

    Jens Kreisel, Vice-Rector for Research, is appointed as the new Rector of the University, taking office on 1 January 2023.

    Picture: Jens Kreisel, rector of the University © Sophie Margue

    Jens Kreisel © Sophie Margue
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    Development of a long-term Strategic Framework until 2039.

    The University launches its new AION supercomputer and is chosen to lead the first pan-European Master’s programme in High Performance Computing.   

    Picture: High Performance Computing Infrastructure supporting the University’s Digital Strategy. Photo: University of Luxembourg

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    The University plays a central role in Luxembourg’s COVID-19 Task Force. 

    Launch of the University’s Institute for Advanced Studies. 

    The University celebrates its 1000th doctoral graduate.

    Picture: The University’s 1000th doctoral candidate was Dr. Carmine Gabriele. Photo: private

    Gabriele Carmine
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    The University publishes its digital strategy.

    Preparations begin for a full Bachelor’s degree in medicine

    Picture: Medical education for Bachelor’s students © University of Luxembourg/Media centre

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    Stéphane Pallage, the new Rector of the University, takes office on 1 January. 

    Adoption of a new Higher Education Law.

    The University and the OGBL union conclude a first collective bargaining agreement.

    Picture: Signing of the first collective bargaining agreement © Michel Brumat/Université du Luxembourg

    First Collective Bargaining Agreement © Michel Brumat / Université du Luxembourg
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    Prof. Stéphane Pallage is appointed as the new rector, taking office in 2018.

    Picture: Stéphane Pallage © Sophie Margue

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    The Government appoints Yves Elsen as the third Chair of the Board of Governors.

    The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) is launched as the University’s third interdisciplinary centre.

    Picture: C²DH opening ceremony with the then Minister of higher education and research, Marc Hansen © University of Luxembourg/Media centre

    Opening C2DH - RS688_Hansen_089
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    The University administrative staff and the Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education move to Belval Campus, the new headquarters of the University. 

    The Luxembourg National Research Fund creates a National Centre of Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s disease (NCER), coordinated by Rudi Balling, Director of the University’s Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB). 

    Rainer Klump takes office as the new Rector of the University.

    The University is ranked 193rd worldwide in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2015-2016.

    Picture: Belval campus, new headquarters of the University on a former steel site © University of Luxembourg

    Belval Campus Henri Goergen
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    Inauguration of the largest University hall of residence: UNI-VAL I in Belval.

    The University’s third Four-Year Plan (2014-2017) highlights strategic and other research priorities.

    Picture: Furnished apartment at Uni-VAL I student residence © Michel Brumat/Université du Luxembourg

    Uni Val
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    The foundations are officially laid for the University’s “House of Numbers” and “House of Arts and Students” as well as for the University library – the “House of Books”– in Esch-Belval.

    Picture: Groundbreaking ceremony in the presence of government members © André Weisgerber

    Construction Maison du Nombre © André Weisgerber
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    The new Chair of the Board of Governors, judge Marc Jaeger, is appointed.

    The doctoral education framework was approved, leading to the creation of the Doctoral school of Law. Today, the University has four doctoral schools: of Law, in Science and Engineering, in Humanities and Social sciences, and in Economics, Finance and Management. 

    An agreement with the Max-Planck Institute Luxembourg for International European and Regulatory Procedural Law is signed.

    As part of an official visit to Luxembourg, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, gives a speech to students of the University of Luxembourg.

    Picture: Visit of the then Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon © 2012 is also Michel Brumat/University of Luxembourg

    Visit of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
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    The House of Biomedicine – the first University building on the new campus in Esch-Belval housing the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) – is inaugurated. 

    Picture: Opening of the House of Biomedicine on Belval campus

    Opening of the  House of Biomedicine
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    A major partnership agreement is signed with the global satellite operator SES. It includes a Chair in Space Law and an important cooperation agreement with the SnT.

    The world’s largest steel producer, Arcelor-Mittal, finances a Chair in Façade Engineering, and Deutsche Bank announces the funding of a Chair in International Finance.

    Picture: Launch of the SES Chair in Satellite Communications and Media Law © Michel Brumat/Université du Luxembourg

    Launch of the SES Chair
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    The University’s first interdisciplinary research centre is launched: the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT), under the leadership of Björn Ottersten. 

    Rudi Balling is appointed as the founding Director of the future Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB), the University’s second interdisciplinary centre. 

    The new Board of Governors and its Chair, Raymond Kirsch, are appointed.

    Picture: Prof. Dr. Rudi Balling/Prof. Dr. Björn Ottersten, founding directors of the University’s first interdisciplinary centres

    Prof. Dr. Rudi Balling / Prof. Dr. Björn Ottersten
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    Five years after it was founded, the young University has 4,000 students – including 200 PhD students –, nearly 30 study programmes, approximately 20 partnerships with foreign universities and 150 professors and lecturers.

    The Government announces a strategic partnership initiative with three US research institutions to develop a centre of expertise in molecular medicine.

    Picture: Students on Limpertsberg campus © David Laurent

    Limpertsberg Students © David Laurent
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    The University’s first spin-off company, resulting from its Life Sciences Research Unit, is launched in the field of health technology. 

    The plan for the University’s central building in Esch-Belval, the “Maison du Savoir”, is presented to the public.

    Picture: Design of the winning concept for the Maison du Savoir © Fonds Belval

    Gagnant Concours © Fonds Belval
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    The Japanese manufacturer TDK Corporation endows the University with €3.5 million for a first funded chair to research solar cell materials using compound semi-conductors. 

    The first agreements are signed with foreign universities, for example with Chinese universities during the Luxembourg state visit to China.

    Picture: Presentation of the first endowed chair, financed by the company TDK

    First endowed chair by TDK
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    Under the leadership of the new Rector Rolf Tarrach, the University presents its first Strategic Framework for the next four years and launches several new Bachelor programmes. 

    The Government decides about the future site of the University: the administrative departments, the Science Faculty and the Humanities Faculty will be housed on the Belval-West brownfield site in the future “Cité des Sciences”.

    Picture: Master plan of Belval campus © Dos Santos pour Agora

    Belval Campus © Dos Santos pour Agora
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    The first Rector of the University of Luxembourg, the French Canadian François Tavenas, passes away in February 2004.

    Picture: First rector François Tavenas © Luxemburger Wort

    First Rector Francois Tavenas © Photo: privé
  • 2003

    The adoption of the Higher Education Act 12 on August 2003 marks the creation of the University of Luxembourg. Four institutions are combined into the new university, which is established in response to calls for an economic reorientation in Luxembourg. The aim of the new institution is to attract intellectual potential back to the country and to offer an education to anyone who cannot study abroad. The objective is to create a research-centred, international and multilingual university. 

    A first Board of Governors is appointed with Raymond Kirsch as its Chair.

    Picture: Historic main building on Limpertsberg campus © University of Luxembourg

    Limpertsberg Campus