Doctoral Education Doctoral School in Science and Engineering

Doctoral Programme

Physics and Materials Science

DSSE DP Overview Physics and Material Sciences

Understanding the fundamentals and applications of physics.
This programme offers a research-based doctorate at an internationally leading level in all aspects of the physics of materials and of other aspects of materials science. Training is based on personal supervision, specialised training modules and transferable skills courses.
The programmeis jointly organised by the Physics and Materials Science Research Unit of the university and the Materials Research and Technology Department of the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST).

  • Duration
    3-4 years

  • Working Languages

  • Admissions
    any time

  • Fee

Training: Strengths

  • Close and personal supervision by internationally leading scientists
  • Immediate integration into research groups and projects
  • Work contract at the University or at LIST, competitive salary
  • Benefits from the integration into the Doctoral School in Science and Engineering (DSSE)
  • Broad offer of disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transferable skills training
  • State of the art laboratories and computer equipment


Are you eligible to start the admission process in this Doctoral Programme?

You are eligible to apply for admission to doctoral studies at the University of Luxembourg if you hold a Master’s degree or equivalent, as defined in the law.

You need to hold a Master’s degree in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science or equivalent, as defined in the law; please be aware that Master’s degrees from outside Europe need to be equivalent to level 7 as defined in the Luxembourgish law on recognition of degrees.

For any other information not related to the admission process, please contact one of the administrators or the programme coordinator.


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