Health insurance
To finalise their enrolment at the University, students must present a European health insurance card or proof of affiliation to a health insurance scheme, with a precise indication of the period of coverage. The health insurance must cover at least the duration of the semester for which they are enrolled at the University.
Affiliation to the statutory health insurance scheme
Applicants without health insurance will be asked to pay the fee to register with the statutory health insurance scheme directly to the University at the same time as their enrolment fee.
All applicants from third countries will receive a document regarding statutory health insurance upon their arrival in Luxembourg. The fee to register for health insurance must be paid directly to the University at the same time as the enrolment fee.
Students are responsible for reporting any changes in their personal situation during the course of their studies. Any such changes must immediately be reported in writing to the Student Department Admissions Office, with the subject line: Health insurance (change of address, student job, abandonment of studies, etc.)
If you have double health insurance coverage, for example if you paid the health insurance fee to the University at the start of the semester and you were then affiliated a second time under a student employment contract, see the section below “Refund in the event of double affiliation“.
Refund in the event of double affiliation
To request a refund if you register for health insurance twice (for example if you paid the health insurance fee to the University at the start of the semester and you were then affiliated a second time under a student employment contract):
- For Winter Semester refunds, you have to wait until 15 February
(please submit your request before 15 April so that it can be processed as quickly as possible) - For Summer Semester refunds, you have to wait until 15 September
(please submit your request before 15 November so that it can be processed as quickly as possible)
For a request regarding the current semester, you must wait until the official end of the semester.
You can then create a ticket via the Student Portal under the “Social Security” tab and add the “Certificat d’affiliation” to your ticket.
This document is compulsory, and can be can requested:
- By emailing or
- Via
The certificate must cover the entire semester:
- Winter Semester: 15 September to 14 February
- Summer Semester: 15 February to 14 September
We will then process the ticket, calculate the amount you should be refunded and add you to the list.
Calculation rules
- The minimum refund is 1 month.
- The length of the Winter Semester is 5 months – 4 full months (October, November, December, January) and 1 “composite month” (last half of September and first half of February).
- The length of the Summer Semester is 7 months – 6 full months (March, April, May, June, July, August) and 1 “composite month” (first half of September and last half of February).
- The “composite month” cannot be split.
- If the start of your work contract does not cover a full month, this month will not be refunded.
Example: A student who registered with the CNS at the University for the full Winter Semester 15 September to 14 February and was covered by an employment contract from 3 October to 14 February will receive the following refund:
3 months (November, December and January)
The student was not double registered for the full month of October, so it will not be refunded. We cannot take the first half of February into account, as it must be calculated with the last half of September to be refunded as a “composite” month.
Open a ticket
Useful links
- Student affiliation – General
- Explanatory brochure on health insurance
- Benefits reimbursed by the CNS
- Request your health insurance card (once you have paid the registration fee)
- Request a provisional replacement certificate for the European Social Security Card
- Request a certificate of affiliation (for students who have already had paid employment)