Scientific Committee
Jennifer S. Balakrishnan (Boston University)
Ana Caraiani (Imperial College London)
Philippe Michel (EPF Lausanne)
Wiesława Nizioł (Sorbonne Université)
Yunqing Tang (University of California, Berkeley)
Michael Temkin (Hebrew University)
Akshay Venkatesh (Institute of Advanced Study Princeton)
Xinwen Zhu (Stanford University)
Plenary Speakers
Charlotte Chan (University of Michigan)
Samit Dasgupta (Duke University)
Vesselin Dimitrov (California Institute of Technology)
Ben Heuer (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Paul Nelson (Aarhus University)
Céline Maistret (University of Bristol)
James Newton (University of Oxford)
Sarah Peluse (Stanford University)
Peter Scholze (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics Bonn)
Andrew Sutherland (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
There will be a public lecture by Kristin Lauter (at Meta: Senior Director of FAIR Labs North America) on the new era of AI for mathematics.
The history of the Journées Arithmétiques by Jacques Martinet in French.
The main organizers are Antonella Perucca and Gabor Wiese from the University of Luxembourg.
Many thanks go to Laura Capuano and Valerio Talamanca (in the name of RNTA), Katja Badanjak, Félix Baril Boudreau, Emilie De Jonge, Rita Giannini, Marie Leblanc and further PhD students/postdocs (local organizers).
Poster & Webpage
Here you can find the conference poster web version and print version. The short url for the webpage is
If you don’t find the answers to your questions on this webpage, please contact the organizers at
The organizers of the Journées Arithmétiques 2025 would like to thank the University of Luxembourg, the Luxembourgish Mathematical Society, the Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (CIMPA), the Foundation Compositio Mathematica, the International Journal of Number Theory (World Scientific), the Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, the Journal of Number Theory (Elsevier), the Roman Number Theory Association (RNTA), and the Société mathématique de France (SMF), and the Number Theory Foundation (NTF) for their generous financial and/or logistic support. The main sponsor is the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR).
Supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fund RESCOM/2024/IS/18810474.