Study Programmes Master en Études franco-allemandes – Communication et coopération transfrontalières

Cross-border and international cooperation

French and German flag

The Master’s degree in cross-border communication and cooperation – a programme which aims to train graduates capable of communicating and acting competently in a context of cross-border and international cooperation (communicative and intercultural skills) – is characterised by its interdisciplinary study programme and the organisation of courses in three different countries.

The programme at a glance – 120 ECTS

  • Duration:
    2 years / 4 sem

  • Language:
    FR, DE

  • Admissions
    No longer taking admissions for this programme

  • Fees:
    0€/ semester

  • Format: PartTimePossible

Please note that the University of Luxembourg is no longer taking admissions for this programme. Please reach out to Université de Lorraine for further information.

An international programme

The students study in a small Franco-German group at the Universities of Saarbrücken, Metz and Luxembourg.

Thumbnail Master Franco-Allemand