Department Department of Social Sciences

An open scholarly environment committed to methodological pluralism

The Department commits to fostering a culture of open academic exchange across disciplines and approaches, encouraging a broad methodological pluralism. Our Department is home to a wide range of projects across the Social Sciences in which our members make use of diverse methodological and conceptual toolkits. We are strongly committed to sustaining this diversity of approaches through opportunities for both exchange and training in a culture of lively collegial engagement,

A supportive environment for early career researchers

We are committed to creating a supportive environment for early-career scholars, providing doctoral and postdoctoral researchers with the guidance, resources, and training opportunities imperative for them to establish their careers in a highly competitive international context.

We offer to our members:

  • excellent academic supervision and access to further mentoring opportunities where appropriate.
  • Opportunities to attend and present their work at relevant international conferences.
  • Support in the preparation of their work for submission to relevant international journals and grant applications to different funding bodies.
  • Access to a wide range of training opportunities, both the through the University’s doctoral school and externally.
  • Support for inward and outward mobility through visiting professorships, structured international networks, and other funding mechanisms promoting sustained international scholarly exchange.

Interdisciplinarity at the core of our Department

The Department fosters a culture of interdisciplinarity and sustain a high level of international engagement, continuing to cultivate a broad range of contacts and participating in a wide range of networks and associations.

We actively encourage the development of interdisciplinary research where relevant and support initiatives which bring together colleagues from different disciplines within the Department, Faculty, and wider University settings.

We encourage the strategic development of joint initiatives and projects with other relevant actors in the Luxembourg research eco-system. The department assumes leading roles in developing national disciplinary associations (such as LuxERA), while also actively participating in relevant international scholarly associations in our different areas (such as the Comparative and International Education Society, the International Society for Social Network Analysis, the Population Association of America, the Gerontological Association of America, the Council for European Studies, the European Union Studies Association, the European Consortia for Political and Sociological Research, etc.)