
Energy, GHGs and natural resources

Central to the University commitment to sustainability is our dedication to aligning our institution with the national and European agendas aimed at achieving climate neutrality and resource efficiency.

To realize this ambitious goal, a comprehensive Greenhouse Gas analysis is imperative. This analysis will provide us with the crucial data required to identify high-emission sectors, thereby providing us with a clear direction for proactive measures.

Our journey toward sustainability also demands vigilant emissions monitoring and a better resource efficiency across our buildings and activities. By doing so, we endeavor to make meaningful contributions to a more sustainable future.

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report (2019)

    Learn more

To go further on GHG emissions and carbon footprint

1.The Luxembourgish Ministry of Climate, Environment, and Sustainable Development has published a national emission report (in French). This will help you include the University’s emissions within the national emission landscape, even if the perimeters differ.

2.Carbonnerd is an initiative from the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology. It helps you understand the average carbon footprint of a Luxemburgish resident and provides solutions for reducing one’s own carbon footprint to help achieve the goals outlined in the Paris Agreement.

3.You can find several carbon footprint calculators online. We have highlighted two of them. The calculator from the ADEME (page in French), the French Agency for the Ecological Transition, and another one from MyClimate, a not-for-profit climate association. To go even further, you might want to use the ecological footprint calculator from the Global Footprint Network, which hosts and calculates the Earth Overshoot Day. These will help you set your own goals to reduce your carbon and/or ecological footprint(s).