Education Quality Office
Our Mission
The Education Quality Office (EQO) supports the University community in appraising, assessing and advancing the quality of its educational mission at bachelor, master and continuing education levels. It operates within the Vice-Rectorate for Academic Affairs and in partnership with the educational quality management staff of the Faculties as well as the University’s academic services.
Our responsibilities and expertise
- Support for strategic and operational decision making regarding the quality of the University’s educational offer.
- Development and implementation of the University’s Quality Assurance Framework for Education (QAFE).
- Contribution to the development of teaching services and the University’s Teaching Qualifications Framework.
- Facilitation of peer learning and benchmarking at European and international levels.
- Organisation of external evaluations, reviews and accreditations of the University’s educational mission.
- Development of the University’s Study Regulations, academic policies and procedures.
- Compliance, academic process quality assurance and management.
- Contribution to the development of learning and assessment services.
- Assessment of proposals for new study programmes
- Review of existing study programmes.
- Support for curricular design and development.
- Design and facilitation of feedback instruments.
Team Leader
For more information