The Information Security research area investigates methods and tools relevant to cryptography and information security.
We cover the following topics
• Symmetric and public key cryptography
• Efficient software and hardware implementation of cryptograhy
• Side-channel analysis of smartcards and embedded devices
• Security protocols
• Network, mobile, and embedded systems security
• Privacy and anonymity
• Verifiable voting systems, E-democracy
• Cloud computing, reputation-based systems
• Cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and distributed ledger technologies
• Mathematics of security
• Socio-technical aspects of security and trust
• Quantum information assurance
• Formal methods for security and privacy
• Security and privacy in machine learning
• AI security
This research area is managed to a large extent by the Laboratory of Algorithmics, Cryptology and Security (LACS).
The following professors and their teams contribute to this research area through work in the domains listed.
Alexei Biryukov
- Cryptanalysis
- Cryptography
- Hardware and Software Security
- Network, Mobile, and Embedded Systems Security
- Privacy and Anonymity
- Virtual and Crypto Currencies
Jean-Sébastien Coron
- Computational Number Theory
- Public Key Cryptography
- Side-Channel Attacks
Yves Le Traon
- Automated implementation of security mechanisms
- Malware detection and prevention
- Model-Driven Security
- Big Data at Runtime
- Modelling at Runtime
- Software Testing
Franck Leprévost
- Computational Number Theory
- Security of Convolutional Neural Networks
- Evolutionary Algorithms
- Geopolitics of Security Issues
Sjouke Mauw
- Attack Trees
- Formal Methods
- Location-based Services
- Network Security
- Privacy
- Security Assessment
- Security Protocols
Volker Müller
- Computational Number Theory
- Security Primitives in Business Applications
Jun Pang
- Complex networks
- Formal models and methods for security
- Formal verification
- Graph machine learning
- Privacy and anonymity
- Security and privacy in machine learning
Peter Y A Ryan
- Analysis of Information Flow
- Cryptographic Protocols
- Cryptographic Voting Schemes
- Cryptography
- Information Assurance
- Modelling and Analysis of Secure Systems and Security Policies
- Quantum Cryptography
- Socio-technical Aspects of Security.
Andy Rupp
- Provable Security
- Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
- Foundations of Cryptography
- Cryptographic Protocols
- Security and Privacy of Electronic Payments
- Security and Privacy in the Mobility Domain
- Anonymous Communication
- Auditable and Accountable Surveillance Technologies
Research groups
Applied Cryto Group (ACG)
Applied Security and Information Assurance (APSIA)
Cryptographic Protocols (CPRO)
Cryptology research group (CRYPTOLUX)
Mathematics of Security
Security and Trust of Software Systems (SaToSS)