More than studies Classes and workshops

Winter Discovery Day

Have you always wanted a chance to try some different winter sports? Discover the following disciplines during the Winter Discovery Day!

a) Skating based sports – Patinage, Dance, Short Track and Hockey – opportunity to try “basic skating.”
b) Eisstock
c) Curling

Each sport will have a brief explanation of the activities, contact details for future participation and opportunities for beginners.
60 mins (rotation of 20 mins per discipline)

Demo or disciplines a) b) and c)

For 75 -90 mins you can choose a discipline to TRY; after the session(s) you can continue public skating!

  • When

    Saturday, 30 November

    10.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00

  • Where

    Patinoire Kockelscheuer

  • Available places

    30 per time slot

  • Registration

    Registration is mandatory for this day via Affluences 7 days prior to the session.

  • Equipment

    Winter clothes (ice skates can be borrowed at the location)

  • Languages of instruction


  • Organised by

    Student Life