More than studies Classes and workshops

Photography for beginners workshops

In “Photography for beginners” you will learn to read and analyse a photograph to tell your story, through deontology and responsibility between the photographer and the subject. Master the use of your digital camera and discuss the basic settings and functionalities to use in almost every light condition with manual mode.

  • When

    10 October, 17 October, 24 October, 31 October, 7 November, 14 November (Thursdays)
    From 17:00 to 19:00

  • Where

    Belval campus, Maison du Savoir (MSA) – Room 4.380 (4th floor)

  • Available places

    Max. 20 participants

  • Registration

    Registration is mandatory for each session via Eventbrite.

  • Equipment

    Bring your own camera if you have one.

    A limited number of cameras can be borrowed from Media Centre, no guarantee.

  • Contact

  • Languages of instruction

    English. Further explanations are possible in French, German, Luxembourgish, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish

  • Organised by

    Espace Cultures