More than studies Classes and workshops

CEPA art classes & workshop

CEPA is a local non-profit organization that provides various art and creative workshops ranging from abstract painting, cramic art, sketching, etc.

  • When

    Please check for details

  • Where

    Dudelange, Bonnevoie, Limpertsberg, Hollerich, Merl

  • Equipment

    Depends on the class: please check the website

  • Contact

    Email:, Phone: +352 40 99 20

  • Languages of instruction

    French, English and German (additional languages depending on the class and instructor)


    Only a limited number of spots are available for members at a reduced price (50%)! No guarantee! To benefit from the discount, your registration must be done via email. Contact with your University information and to enroll in your course of preference.

    No registration on Affluences for these classes

  • Contact

    To register for CEPA classes please contact them directly.

  • Organised by