
From Chaos to Structure: statistics and probability in today’s world

  • Location

    Université du Luxembourg, Belval Campus, Maison du Savoir, room 3.330

    2, place de l'Université

    L-4365, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

  • Topic(s)
  • Type(s)
    Free of charge, In-person event, Lectures and seminars

The Institut Grand-Ducal together with the University of Luxembourg and the Luxembourg Statistical Society organise a scientific communication session with Yannick Baraud and Giovanni Peccati, Professors within the Department of Mathematics at the University of Luxembourg.

In the first talk of the evening, Giovanni Peccati will explore the notion of “universality” from a modern perspective and show how this concept links objects as diverse as games of chance, cosmic radiations, billiards and neural networks. In the second talk, Yannick Baraud will explain how some young female mathematicians in the early 2000s transformed the study of DNA sequences using groundbreaking statistical techniques.