Christian Wille (Dr.) is a Senior Researcher at the Department of Geography and Spatial Planning and Head of the Interdisciplinary Center of Expertise “UniGR-Center for Border Studies (UniGR-CBS).” With a strong interdisciplinary background, he teaches Cultural Border Studies, works on border theories, and publishes on border complexities at the intersection of cultural studies, migration studies, geography, sociology, and anthropology.
Wille is a founding member of the research groups “Cultural Border Studies,” “Bordertextures,” “Labor SwissLux” and co-editor of the book series “Border Studies: Cultures, Spaces, Orders.” After studying and completing an International Dual PhD Degree in Cultural Studies and Social Sciences in Strasbourg, Saarbrücken, and Luxembourg, he worked for the Saarland University, University of Lorraine, the Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University Kaiserslautern-Landau and the Interregional Labour Market Observatory of the Greater Region.
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Academic functions
- Senior Researcher in Cultural Border Studies, Department of Geography and Spatial Planning
- Co-editor of the book series “Border Studies: Cultures, Spaces, Orders” (Nomos)
- Co-Spokesperson of the cross-border working group “Bordertextures”, UniGR-Center for Border Studies
- Editing committee member of “Cahiers de la Grande Région”, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research
- Editing committee member of “Borders in Perspectives”, UniGR-Center for Border Studies
- Editing committee member of “A propos – Revue franco-allemande de recherche en sciences sociales et humaines | Deutsch-französische Zeitschrift für Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften”
University and Community Service
- Head of the Interdisciplinary Center of Expertise “UniGR-Center for Border Studies (UniGR-CBS)”
- Deputy Study Director of the tri-national Master in Border Studies at the University of Luxembourg
- Deputy representative of the University of the Greater Region in the Transfrontier Euro-Institute Network (TEIN)
- Elected member of the Council of the Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, University of Luxembourg
- Elected board member of the Department of Geography and Spatial Planning, Faculty of Humanities, Social and Educational Sciences
- Elected board member of the Key Area „MIS – Migration and Inclusive Societies“, Faculty of Humanities, Social and Educational Sciences
- Steering board member of the tri-national Master in Border Studies
- Steering board member of the cross-border doctoral school LOGOS
- Steering board member of the Swiss-Luxembourgish-French research group “LABOR SwissLux – Labour across Borders”
- Member of recruitment committees
Managerial responsibilities
- Line manager, Department of Geography and Spatial Planning
- Principal investigator, Department of Geography and Spatial Planning
- Host for guest researchers, Department of Geography and Spatial Planning
Distinctions: Scholarship “Visiting Professor” (École des hautes études en sciences sociales Paris) | Individual partner status at the Viadrina Center B/Orders in Motion (European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)) | Scholarship “Visiting Professor Border Studies” (Saarland University) | 1st & 2nd individual university research grant (University of Luxembourg) | Interregional Research Award of the Greater Region (2022) | Best doctorate thesis award 2012 (placed second, University of Luxembourg) | Individual scholarship (Franco-German Institute, Ludwigsburg)
Research stays abroad: Saarland University | European University Flensburg | European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) | University of Lorraine
Memberships: Section “Cultural Border Studies” of the German Society for Cultural Studies | Cross-border Working Group Bordertextures | Trinational Research Group LABOR SwissLux – Labour Across Borders | Society for Cultural Studies (KWG) | Association for Borderlands Studies (ABS) | UniGR-Center for Border Studies | Key Research Area “Migration and Inclusive Societies (MIS)” | Transfrontier Euro-Institut Network (TEIN)
Referee: Annals of the American Association of Geographers | Swiss National Science Foundation | Czech Science Foundation | Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung | Journal of Borderlands Studies | Borders in Perspective | Small States & Territories Journal | Space and Polity | GeoJournal | Regions and Cohesion | From the European South: a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities | Cahiers de la Grande Région | Berliner Debatte Initial | Europa Regional | Raumforschung und Raumordnung | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Projects: Since 2000 45 projects in research, teaching, outreach, publishing, and conferencing in the fields of border studies, cultural studies, migration studies, and intercultural communication. More information
Teaching: Since 2006 teaching in France, Germany, and Luxembourg at BA, MA, and PhD level in the fields of border studies, migration studies, cross-border cooperation, intercultural management, and research methods.
Supervision: Since 2011 supervision of thesis at BA, MA, and PhD level in France, Germany, and Luxembourg at the intersection of Cultural Studies and Border Studies.
Publications: Since 2003 21 books and special issues, 42 papers in books, 32 papers in journals, and 30 other publications. More information
Talks and presentations: Since 2000 100 talks and presentations in German, French, and English in Luxembourg and abroad. More information
Media: Since 2006 100 media reports in German, Luxembourgish, French, and Swiss media.
Outreach activities: Since 2012 36 outreach activities in Luxembourg and abroad.