Research Group Luxembourg Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management

About the LCL

LCL is part of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance at the University of Luxembourg. It is tied to the Faculty’s Centre for Research in Economics and Management (CREA). It is also a member of MIT’s Global Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence (SCALE) Network. With its strong industry partnerships and interdisciplinary approach, LCL is a key player in shaping future supply chain innovations.



The MIT Global SCALE Network is an international alliance of leading research and education centers dedicated to supply chain and logistics excellence through innovation. The Network consists of students, researchers, and faculty at six centers spanning four continents.
The network aims to create the next generation of supply chain management professionals who have a system-wide and global perspective, strong analytical problem solving skills, grasp of latest and emerging technologies, and practical change leadership capabilities. It is designed and operated as a balanced network where each center contributes resources to conduct joint research, administers educational programs, and works with corporate sponsors.

The Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the University of Luxembourg founded the Luxembourg Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LCL) in late 2015. The LCL was created in partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL).

  • MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL)
  • Luxembourg Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LCL)
  • Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC)
  • Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation (CLI)
  • Ningbo China Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (NISCI)
  • Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (MISI)

SCALE Connect brings students from all global SCALE centers together in Cambridge for three intense weeks of workshops, seminars, industry speakers, facility tours, and team-based work. The intense schedule wraps up with Research Expo, where students present their work to date on industry-sponsored research projects aimed at addressing real-world problems.

LCL Circle

The LCL trains the next generation of supply chain managers through a range of programs, including master education, doctoral programs and research opportunities in logistics and supply chain management. The programmes address specific challenges of this emerging field in an interdisciplinary approach. They incorporate the legal, economic and financial frameworks of logistics and connect students to other departments of the University, for example in engineering and ICT.

The LCL is a member of the Cluster For Logistics and of the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) International.

Research partnerships

Our research partnerships also open access to the worldwide Supply Chain And Logistics Excellence (SCALE) network of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) including over 120 corporate partners.
Research and teaching activities at the Global SCALE centres help those addressing critical challenges and finding solutions in an innovative and collaborative environment.

Custom R&D cooperation opportunities bring the LCL partners to the forefront of modern logistics and supply chain management. The LCL covers new interdisciplinary fields of research between :

  • supply chain management and law
  • finance
  • management and entrepreneurship
  • international economics
  • IT

Academic research projects develop innovations from real-life issues. Active academic researchers give access to cutting-edge research technologies, especially relevant in analysing data.
Besides, the LCL CAVE lab was launched in 2023 supported by the Ministry de l’Economie and the Chief Procurement Officers (CPO) Club, with the goal of advancing research and education in the field of supply chain management. Which facilitate more cooperation between academia and industry.