Consumer Law Clinic
A pioneer in Europe, the Consumer Law Clinic of the University of Luxembourg is the first European clinic exclusively dedicated to consumer law that is open to the public.
Attached to the Master in European Business Law, it sets up an innovative teaching system, inspired by the American model and adapted to the Luxembourg context. Students in the second year of the master’s programme are trained in the practice of legal advice, which consists in particular of conversations with real consumers whom they advise. This unique training course enables students to deal with complex legal issues on the basis of collaboration with a professor and an Associate Professor in Psychology and lawyers of the Luxembourg Bar Association.

Clinical teaching is divided into an educational and practical teaching method.
- The first part, which prepares the student for the legal and psychological confrontation with the consumer, involves the organisation of active role-playing seminars. Each student has three days to study real, anonymous cases and to think about the solutions – legal or not – that can be offered. They are then confronted with “fake” consumers playing the role of the parties in the case. Students have 20 minutes to explain the possible solutions to them under the supervision of a lawyer and a psychologist.
- The second part of the programme consists of clinical consultations. The clinic receives questions from Luxembourg consumers and cross-border commuters in dispute with a Luxembourg professional via a form on the University webpage. Students refer legal problems to the clinic’s teaching staff and discuss them with the staff and their fellow students. They then meet with consumers to provide them with legal information under the supervision of lawyers.
N.B.: Participation in the consumer law clinic is open to any Master 2 student with a maximum of 14 students. Therefore, interested students may be subject to a selection process.
The Clinique du droit (law clinic) is a study programme offered by the University of Luxembourg and as such follows the academic calendar. The Clinic is open from October 20 to December 20 and from February 20 to May 31. Questions referred to the Clinic after its closing at the end of the summer term will be dealt with by our teams after the reopening of the Clinic at the start of the next academic year.
Module Clinique de droit de la consommation I ( Semestre 3, 5 ECTS)
Sous-module I:
Introduction générale au droit européen et luxembourgeois de la consommation
Number of ECTS credits for these modules:
Introduction à la méthode clinique
Programme: Présentation de la méthode clinique appliquée au droit substantiel européen et luxembourgeois de la consommation. Familiarisation avec le code de la consommation et son maniement.
Mathilde Calcio-GaudinoNumber of ECTS credits for this module: (10 UE) -
Droit juridictionnel de la consommation
Programme: Présentation des compétences juridictionnelles en droit de la consommation luxembourgeois.
Un magistratNumber of ECTS credits for this module: (5 UE) -
Droit de la preuve
Programme: Récapitulatif de l’ensemble du droit de la preuve pénale et civile.
Un avocatNumber of ECTS credits for this module: (5 UE) -
Initiation à la médiation
Un médiateur
Number of ECTS credits for this module: (5 UE)
Sous-module II:
Introduction à l’enseignement clinique du droit
Number of ECTS credits for these modules:
Séminaire interactif (le nombre d’UE dépend du nombre d’étudiants).
Programme: Analyse à partir de cas concrets, des faits pertinents d’une espèce, des qualifications pouvant leur être appliquées. Les étudiants travaillent en équipe sur des cas réels communiqués à l’avance. Les entretiens sont filmés Initiation à l’entretien juridique avec un client.
É. Poillot / A. Specogna / N. Thomas /C. Besson / Les avocats de la Clinique du droitNumber of ECTS credits for this module: -
Psychologie de la relation juridique (le nombre d’UE dépend du nombre d’étudiants).
Analyse des vidéos tournées lors du séminaire interactif.
A. Specogna.Number of ECTS credits for this module:
Full-time ECTS credit: 5 ECTS
Module Clinique de droit de la consommation II (semestre 4, 10 ECTS)
Mode d’évaluation du second semestre
Number of ECTS credits for these modules:-
Appréciation du rapport écrit (70% de la note finale), appréciation de la présentation orale du rapport (30% de la note finale) soutenue devant un jury composé d’enseignants chercheurs et de praticiens du droit.
Number of ECTS credits for this module:
Full-time ECTS credit: 10 ECTS