Chair Chair in Sustainable Finance

Supporting the sustainability transition

The initiative engages in academic research, teaching at all levels and outreach activities for local stakeholders in Sustainable Finance. It focuses on highest-quality academic research including theoretical as well as empirical work. Diverse topics such as the importance of socially-motivated investor preferences, risk and returns of ESG investments, ESG disclosure and financial reporting, among other things, are studied.

Expertise & Objectives

Chairholder Expertise
Sustainable finance
Empirical asset pricing
Asset management
Corporate capital structure
Digitalisation and cryptoassets

Chair Objectives
Contributes to a sustainable and inclusive economic system in Luxembourg.
Spread scientific knowledge within Luxembourg and internationally.
Educate students at all levels as well as professionals to excel in sustainable finance.

  • 4
    Full-time academic researchers
  • 5
    Full-time PhD-Students
    • Introducing Professor Michael Halling

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