The workshop “Building European Administrative Area. Key Features and Boundaries” is a hybrid event scheduled to take place on 11th of April 2023, starting at 12.00 am ((EET) and 11.00 am (CET) On-site in Room C3, FEAA, UAIC & On-line on Teams at this LINK.
Programme and speakers
- 12:00 – 12:10 – Opening session
- Ana-Maria BERCU, Prof., PhD. Hab.
- Mihai-Bogdan PETRISOR, Assoc. Prof., PhD.
- Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
- Elena DANESCU, Research Scientist PhD.
- University of Luxembourg/Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History
- 12:10 – 12:50– Working, yet poor. In-work poverty in the EU and its impact on vulnerable and under-represented persons (Main findings of the multi-annual EU-funded cross-border research project “Working, Yet Poor” coordinated by the University of Luxembourg).
- Invited Speaker: Antonio GARCÍA-MUÑOZ, Post-doctoral Researcher
- University of Luxembourg
- Invited Speaker: Antonio GARCÍA-MUÑOZ, Post-doctoral Researcher
- 12:50 – 13:20 – Q&A session and debates
- Ana-Maria BERCU, Prof., PhD. Hab.
- Mihai-Bogdan PETRISOR, Assoc. Prof., PhD.
- Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania
- 13:20 – 13:30 – Concluding remarks
- University of Luxembourg/Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History
Short description of the multi-annual EU-funded cross-border research project “Working, Yet Poor” coordinated by the University of Luxembourg
“Working Yet Poor (Work YP) “ is multidisciplinary and cross-border competitive research project funded by the European Union, awarded with 3.2 million euros for three years (2020-2023) by the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme. The project is conducted in seven Member States that present significant diversity in geographical position, law and social systems, with the aim of identifying the reasons such a situation has emerged and of drafting proposals for EU and national legislators. A further objective of this project is to prevent social dumping and help EU citizens to recover confidence in public governance. The University of Luxembourg was chosen to lead the WorkYP Project due to its outstanding reputation as an effective incubator of multidisciplinary research projects with real-world implications. The coordinator of the research is Prof. Luca Ratti, Professor in European and Comparative Labour Law, Director of the Master in European Law (first year) at the University of Luxembourg, and Jean Monnet Chair in European labour law. Dr Antonio García-Muñoz si Post-doctoral Researcher at the University of Luxembourg and a member of the interdisciplinary research team.
Official website of the project: