Six new professors have started the winter semester at the University:
Niovi Vavoula

Associate professor in Cyber Policy, Chair in Cyber Policy
Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance
Niovi Vavoula is Associate professor in Cyber Policy and leads the Chair in Cyber Policy. She joined from Queen Mary University of London, where she had obtained her Ph.D. Her research relates to human rights and rule of law challenges posed by the use of new technologies in the fields of migration and law enforcement.
“It’s a great pleasure to contribute to the University’s teaching curriculum, particularly through the new course ‘Digital Technologies for Lawyers’ and ‘Cyber Policy’. As technology has become deeply embedded in almost every aspect of society, equipping students already at the undergraduate level with deep knowledge on the legal challenges posed by digital technologies is of paramount importance.”
Janne Fengler

Full Professor in Educational Sciences (Teacher Training)
Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Janne Fengler is Full Professor in Educational Sciences (Teacher Training) and serves as the Vice Dean for the Faculty since January 2025.
“I have various research foci, ranging from more traditional educational topics such as experiential education and teacher education to more interdisciplinary topics such as victimology. I have found to be a very international, innovative and agile university; it is an inspiring institutional environment. As head of one of our teacher training programs for primary school teachers, I am happy to be able to contribute to this spirit with my activities within the university and in the networks in the country.”
Franck Sueur

Franck Sueur joined in September 2024 as Professor in Partial Differential Equations and Analysis. With a Ph.D from the University he Marseille, he moved on to become full professor at the University of Bordeaux for ten years.
“Partial Differential Equations, or PDEs, are mathematical equations describing various phenomena which may be related to physics, biology, finance and any other applications. At, I hope to dedicate more of my time to my favorite research questions, with a group of enthusiastic PhD students and postdocs. On the top of that I was seduced by the family atmosphere of the math department and of the whole friendly staff of the university.”
Luc Grynbaum

As Full professor in Luxembourg Digital Law, Luc Grynbaum’s approach is based on civil law, mainly focused on contract and tort. He also focusses on the European AI Act and its effects on liability. Previously, he was at the University of Paris Cité and has been delegate to Sorbonne Abu Dhabi University.
“After a French and international experience, I’m very happy to join the University of Luxembourg which offers a strong support to research, in connection with my colleagues coming from very various countries, to provide to the students the best of the knowledge in private law”
Ali Ghanchi

As Assistant professor in Midwifery, Ali Ghanchi develops the new Midwifery Studies Bachelor and assists the nursing team of the new Nursing Sciences Bachelors. After managing outpatient clinics at the Pitié Salpetriere Hospital and at Necker Children’s Hospital, he was encouragement to pursue an academic career.
“I was amazed at the range of modern learning facilities available to students. I found the University to be a dynamic hub of innovation that is open to new ideas, research and technology. It seems daunting to have the responsibility of implementing a new midwifery studies bachelor. However, I am comforted by the fact that I have met some extraordinary people in the short time that I have been here. Together, we hope to be catalysts for change and accompany the paradigm shift that is occurring in midwifery education in Luxembourg.”
Michelle Proyer

Full professor in Inclusive Education
Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Michelle Proyer is Professor in Inclusive Education. She received her PhD from University of Vienna. Her research focuses on inclusive education in international perspective.
“Working at Uni Luxembourg feels like traveling the world: colleagues from so many backgrounds coming together in one space. The work environment is very professional and supportive.”