The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2 DH), together with the European University Institute (Florence, Italy) and the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), with the support of Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg, organizes from 3 July to 6 July 2023 in Luxembourg organises a Summer School in order to explore methods of oral history and to test digital tools, while it pays attention to how digital sources may shape narratives in contemporary European history.
More details about the event and the detailed programme are available on:
Monday, 3 July 2023
- 14.00 – Welcome by Andreas Fickers (C2DH), Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol (EUI) and Andreas Wagner (MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory)
- 14.15 – Keynote by Julianne Nyhan (Institut für Geschichte, TU Darmstadt) on Oral History in the Digital Age (Chair : Machteld Venken, C2DH)
- 15.30 – Break
- 16.00 – Presentations by participants (Chair: Thomas Cauvin, C2DH)
- Veronique Faber (C2DH)
- Gabriele Prosperi (University of Naples)
- Lola Cindric (EHESS, Paris)
- Zoe Konsbruck (C2DH)
- Nicolas Arendt (C2DH)
- 18.00 – Break
- 18.15 – Visit of the Maison Schuman organised by Victoria Mouton and Guido Lessing (C2DH)
Tuesday, 4 July 2023
- 9.30 – Presentations by participants (Chair: Benno Gammerl, EUI)
- Rafaelle de La Tullaye (C2DH)
- Marco Ninno (KU Leuven)
- Rebecca Orr (EUI)
- Aude Faucoin (EUI)
- Sebastien Eller (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- 11.30 – Break
- 11.45 – Presentation by Thomas Haigh (University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee & Siegen University) on What can go wrong with oral histories (Chair: Adelina Stefan, C2DH)
- 12.45 – Lunch
- 14.00 – Presentations of current OH projects (Chair: François Klein, C2DH)
- Exploring the European integration process: Oral History collections on by Marco Gabellini (C2DH)
- Oral Histories of International Tourism: the Case of Socialist Romania and Franco’s Spain in the Long 1970s by Adelina Stefan (C2DH)
- 15.00 – Break
- 15.15 – Presentations by participants (Chair: Dieter Schlenker, HAEU, EUI)
- Natalia Núñez Bargueño (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
- Angeliki Petridou (Panteion University)
- Kateryna Zakharchuk (C2DH)
- Zoe Kazakou (University of Athens)
- 17.00 – Break
- 17.15 – Roundtable on assets & limits of oral histories in the digital age (Chair: Thomas Cauvin, C2DH) with Andreas Fickers (C2DH), Benno Gammerl (EUI), Thomas Haigh (University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee & Siegen University), Anita Lucchesi (C2DH), Dieter Schlenker (HAEU, EUI)
- 19.30 – Dinner at Dal Notario
Wednesday, 5 July 2023
- 9.15 – Presentations related to the European integration history (1/2) (Chair: Valérie Schafer, C2DH)
- Memories from inside Westminster: An Oral History of the British Parliament by Emma Peplow and Priscila Pivatto (History of Parliament Trust)
- The contribution of the European Parliament to the European project as seen through oral interviews by Michael Shackleton (Maastricht University)
- Oral history projects for researching the history of EU law by Sigfrido Ramirez (MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory)
- 10.45 – Break
- 11.00 – Presentations related to the European integration history (2/2)
- Pioneering Women in Luxembourg’s International Relations: New Oral History Insights by Elena Danescu (C2DH)
- Oral history as a source for prosopography and network analysis by Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol (EUI)
- Discussion
- 12.15 – Lunch
- 14.00 – Visit of the European Parliament (whole afternoon)
Thursday, 6 July 2023
- 9.15 – Presentations by participants (Chair: Anselm Küsters, MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory; Humboldt University, Berlin; Centre for European Policy, Berlin)
- Alaz Okudan (Hacettepe University)
- Nathalie Fridzema (Groningen Research Institute for the Study of Culture, ICOG)
- Carmen Noguera (C2DH)
- Ewa Swietlik (C2DH)
- 11.00 – Break
- 11.15 – Presentations of current OH projects (Chair: Cécile Duval, C2DH)
- Defending national interests through multilateralism: an oral history of Luxembourg diplomacy by François Klein (C2DH)
- 24.02.22, 5am: Testimonies from the War by Machteld Venken and Alexandre Germain (C2DH)
- Oral-History.Digital. A curation and research platform for interview collections by Cord Pagenstecher (Freie Universität Berlin, University Library)
- Applying distant reading to oral histories of the COVID crisis by Valérie Schafer and Frédéric Clavert (C2DH)
- 13.00 – Lunch
- 14.15-16.00 – Demo of digital tools
- Three parallel sessions of 45 mns (x 2) that allow each participant to follow 2 demos
- CatDV : a Media Asset Management platform for Interviews by François Klein and Alexandre Germain (C2DH)
- Automatic speech-to-text transcription by Machteld Venken (C2DH)
- What to do with transcripts: Annotation and Analyses (CAQDAS and TEI) by Andreas Wagner (MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory)
- Oral-History.Digital. A curation and research platform for interview collections by Cord Pagenstecher (Freie Universität Berlin, University Library)
- 16.00 – Short concluding remarks
Picture: ©CVCE