Luxembourg Learning Centre (LLC)

The Persistent Identifier service

The registration of a DOI is managed by the Luxembourg Learning Centre (LLC). It is strictly available only to University of Luxembourg (UL) members and their collaborations with external partners. Note that this procedure may be updated and changed where required, so please always download the latest procedure.

How to register a Handle or DOI at the University

Persistent identifiers (PID), also referred to as permalinks or digital identifiers, are used to identify, distinguish and locate online objects, e.g. academic or non-academic documents, articles, webpages etc.
There are various types of digital identifiers, and the LLC offers you the chance to register two types of identifiers: the ORBilu handle system, and the DOI creation service.  Read information below to determine which one will work for you.
Compared to a standard URL, a persistent identifier link is stable and permanent, remaining fixed over its lifetime, even if the document location and metadata change. You may find that you require a persistent identifier when you write reports or format references.

    The Handle System, developed by the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) is “a comprehensive system for assigning, managing, and resolving persistent identifiers, known as ‘handles’ for digital objects and other resources on the Internet” (Handle System Introduction), through a global handle service. You can create your own ‘handle’ swiftly when you deposit a document on ORBilu. Orbilu provides you with the handle permalink displayed at the top of your Orbilu record at the completion of your deposit. Here is an example on ORBilu:

    The digital object identifier (DOI) persistent identifier is used to uniquely identify various objects, e.g. sources, standardised by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The ORBilu team is responsible for the management of DOIs and prefixes on behalf of the University. 

    Before you begin the procedure for registering a DOI, check if the ORBilu ‘handle’ is sufficient for your purpose?

    The registration of a DOI can take up to two weeks, and requires provision of metadata via a form.

    • Download the procedure (PDF) for registering a DOI and follow the instructions.
    • Submit your request to

    If you need any help, or to submit your request for a DOI creation, contact