A new website, developed by the C²DH as part of a research project about the history of the Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (ITM), explores the intertwined histories of the National Miners’ Monument and the Léiffrächen in Kayl.
Inaugurated in 1957 and classified as a national cultural heritage since 2017, the National Miners’ Monument contains a a series of stone tablets arranged in a semi-circle, most of these tablets commemorate miners who lost their lives in work-related accidents in the Grand Duchy. The workers listed on the monument range in age from 13 to 78 years. A total of 13 individuals can be found who had not yet reached the age of 16 at the time of their death.
The website on the Grand-Duchy’s mining heritage, developed in partnership with the C²DH, the ITM, the Ministry of Labour and the Municipal Administration of Kayl/Tétange, contains comprehensive documentation about the more than 1500 miners who lost their lives in Luxembourg’s mines between 1860 and 1980. It is based on the work of postdoctoral researcher Sam Klein who investigates the history of the Luxembourgish Inspectorate of Labour and Mines (ITM) from the founding of the Administration des mines in 1869 to the organisation’s 150th anniversary in 2019. His research concentrates on the evolution of working conditions, occupational health and safety standards, and the incidence of workplace accidents in Luxembourg.