Vie sur le campus Santé mentale et bien-être


L’Université du Luxembourg propose une série de courtes vidéos informatives visant à renforcer les compétences et comportements sains. Chaque séance fournit des outils et des stratégies concrètes pour renforcer le bien-être mental, physique et émotionnel.

Guides pratiques à télécharger

Trucs et astuces express


Nous avons listé des applications gratuites conçues pour vous aider à résoudre divers problèmes de santé mentale et de bien-être émotionnel :

  • Breathe to Relax – Learn the stress management skill of diaphragmatic breathing
  • Calm Harm – Reduce urges to self-harm and manage emotions in a more positive way
  • Catch It – Learn to manage negative thoughts and look at problems differently
  • DistrACT – Quick and discreet access to information and advice about self-harm and suicidal thoughts
  • eQuoo: Emotional Fitness Games – Use adventure games designed by psychologists to help you increase your emotional fitness
  • Feeling Good: Positive Mindset – Use audio tracks to help relax your body and mind and build your confidence
  • Headspace – Guided meditation and mindfulness
  • Insight Timer – Guided meditations
  • Mindshift – Designed to help teens and young adults cope with anxiety
  • Petit Bamboo – Guided meditation
  • Stress and Anxiety Companion – Breathing exercises, relaxing music and games to help calm your mind and change negative thoughts
  • Student Health App – Reduce your worries, feel more confident and get the health information you need as a student
  • Thrive – Use games to track your mood and teach yourself methods to take control of stress and anxiety
  • Woebot – A companion (Woebot!) who can help people with their mental health