Archives : News
3D culture of dopaminergic neurons to better mimic Parkinson’s disease
En savoir plusScientists around Prof. Dr Jens Schwamborn from the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) of the University of Luxembourg have developed a novel in vitro model to test drug candidates against Parkinson’s disease (PD).
Emma Schymanski awarded FNR ATTRACT fellowship
En savoir plusFollowing the 2017/18 ATTRACT Call, Associate Prof. Dr. Emma Schymanski has been awarded a 2 MEUR ATTRACT Consolidator Grant for a project aiming to develop methods to identify unknown chemicals and their effects on health and disease at the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) at the University of Luxembourg.
The 4th International Parkinson’s Disease Symposium
En savoir plusAn interdisciplinary conference to tackle Parkinson’s disease and dementia
RIKEN delegation visited Luxembourg’s biomedical research centres
En savoir plusRepresentatives of the renowned Japanese RIKEN Centre for Integrative Medical Sciences (RIKEN-IMS) visited Luxembourg from 24 to 26 September 2018 to discuss latest scientific results, meet government representatives and the directors of the local biomedical research institutions. They presented current and future joint research projects and discussed on how to secure a long-term scientific collaboration…
La Scienteens Academy 2018 en vidéo !
En savoir plusDigital Luxembourg a filmé les participants de la Scienteens Academy pendant la semaine qu’ils ont passé au Scienteens Lab et la vidéo est maintenant en ligne !
Identification of a risk factor in genetic generalised epilepsies
En savoir plusFive researchers of the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) of the University of Luxembourg participated in an international collaboration involving several European consortia (Epicure, EuroEPINOMICS CoGIE and EPIPGX) together with labs from Australia and Canada working on epilepsy.
LCSB researchers predict cell conversion factors
En savoir plusThanks to a newly developed computational method, Luxembourg researchers can accurately predict how one subpopulation of cells can be converted into another.
Personalised Medicine Consortium – Pump Prime Fund – Call open
En savoir plusThe Personalised Medicine Consortium (PMC) of Luxembourg is an initiative aiming to support research and make Luxembourg a leader in the adoption of personalised medicine into the national healthcare system. It brings together the LCSB (Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine) and the Life Sciences Research Unit (LSRU) of the University of Luxembourg, the Luxembourg Institute…
Un atelier de plus en biologie aussi !
En savoir plusUn fascinant atelier de biologie va rejoindre l’atelier de mathématiques présenté dernièrement parmi les nouveautés du Scienteens Lab. Cette activité sera proposée régulièrement à partir de la rentrée scolaire 2018/2019 ! Au cours de cet atelier interactif intitulé – L’enzyme Dld3 affiche la couleur -, les participants exploreront le monde des enzymes et découvriront les…
58 000 euros pour sixième édition Espoir en tête
En savoir plusPour la sixième année consécutive, l’action Espoir en tête, initiée par les Rotary Clubs luxembourgeois, a permis de récolter des dons en organisant des avant-premières d’exception dans les cinémas Utopolis/Kinepolis. Plus de 3 500 spectateurs étaient présents et ont ainsi à nouveau pu contribuer à la recherche sur le cerveau au Luxembourg.