Le domaine de la médecine, des sciences infirmières, de la santé et des sciences de la vie est une priorité absolue pour l’Université, qui s’efforce d’atteindre l’excellence internationale en matière de recherche et d’enseignement. Conformément à l’ambition à long terme de l’Université en matière d’enseignement médical, le nouveau plan quadriennal se concentrera sur la mise en œuvre et l’évaluation du programme de bachelor et de trois spécialisations médicales sélectionnées : la médecine générale, la neurologie et l’oncologie. Le Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) jouera un rôle majeur dans cette stratégie en accélérant la recherche biomédicale qui renforce le lien entre la biologie des systèmes et la recherche médicale.
- Medical education: A follow-up of the medical education launched in 2020 as well as an evaluation of teaching and teachers will be conducted. After the mid-term review of this Four-Year Plan, the University will assess the feasibility of a Master’s programme in Medicine.
- Specialist training: Three specialist training curricula (general medicine, neurology, medical oncology) entered into their second year in 2022. Its initial cohorts will be most carefully monitored and evaluated. As well new specialised medical curricula might be considered.
- Research: Biomedical research at the University has flourished, especially in neurosciences and oncology. The Four-Year Plan will explore broadening the spectrum and covering other areas of need. These include developing research in the domain of primary care, screening and preventive medicine, promoting clinical research in liaison with Luxembourg’s hospitals; and pursuing research in the psycho-social domain.
- Nursing education: In order to offer nursing education on an academic level, the Government mandated the University of Luxembourg to develop a comprehensive range of Bachelor programmes in Nursing. This includes courses for specialised nurses, for the training of midwives, medical assistants in radiology, a programme in nursing and in nursing “plus”, which can be pursued after obtaining the Bachelor’s degree in nursing.